Friday, April 30, 2010

Baseball Putting Pressure on Arizona

If you were Augie Ojeda, would you take your family to Arizona?


Seeking the best way to boycott Arizona over immigration law

Washington Post - Thursday, April 29, 2010

The question isn't whether to start an economic boycott to pressure Arizona to repeal its new immigration law. For me, that's a given.

The question is which products and services to blacklist to get results fastest, while minimizing needless harm.  Proposals abound already. Conventions. Tourism. Lettuce (a major Arizona product).

I vote to start with baseball, and I'm not alone. National and local Latino groups are actively discussing whether to urge people to boycott Arizona Diamondbacks games. One reason: Some of the team's owners are big donors to politicians who backed the bill. link to complete WPO article

 ...The baseball players’ union said it opposed the law and raised concerns about how foreign-born players, who make up about a quarter of major league rosters, and their families would be affected.
Half of the league’s 30 teams have spring training facilities in Arizona, and the All-Star Game is scheduled to be played at the Arizona Diamondbacks’ stadium in Phoenix next year...   link to complete NYT article

Toning Down Arizona? Impossible

It is impossible to take racial profiling out of the Arizona law.  Do you have brown hair?  Then you might want to stay out of Arizona.  The people who wrote the law know that Mexicans come in all colors... so anyone is suspect.


Arizona lawmakers modify immigration law

Legislators ban race from being used by police as a factor to identify illegal immigrants. The initial law allowed the use of race to form the suspicion but said it could not be the sole factor.

By Nicholas Riccardi, Los Angeles Times
12:04 PM PDT, April 30, 2010
Reporting from Phoenix
Arizona lawmakers late Thursday narrowed a controversial immigration law signed last week by the governor in hopes of quelling a national firestorm over suggestions it will force police to racially profile Latinos while looking for illegal immigrants link to complete article

National No-Phone Day - Don't Drive and Talk on Your Cell

Oprah has a new campaign to stop people from driving and using their cell phones.  Thousands of people are killed every year from accidents due to people talking (on their cells) while driving;

Click here for link to Oprah's announcement:

Thursday, April 29, 2010

V.O.I.C.E. Solidarity Action
Trail of Dreams

Posted on April 28, 2010 by meagan

April 25, 2010

Rising Hope Methodist Church

Alexandria, Virginia

Robert Frost talked about the road not traveled in his poem that bears the same name. The poem ends like this:

“Two roads diverged in the woods and I took the one less traveled, and that has made all the difference”

Our four young people today are doing just that – They are taking the road not traveled.

Good afternoon. My name is Venus Miller. I am a VOICE leader from Mt. Olive Baptist Church and have spent over 30 years working as an administrator at Northern Virginia Community College. NOVA is one of the five largest community colleges in the nation with about 73,000 students. My whole life has been about education. It was my office that undocumented students came to discuss issues with tuition cost. It broke my heart to tell those young people they had to pay out of state tuition and they were not eligible for financial aid!

I am here today to stand in solidarity with Felipe, Gaby, Carlos and Juan - four brave students who represent millions of young people who were brought to the U.S. as children, and through no fault of their own, inherited the title of undocumented immigrant. As an educator and community leader, I believe as a society, we have a responsibility to provide all young people, regardless of immigration status, HOPE for the future and a CHANCE at education.

The undocumented students I have worked with at NOVA are active in their community. Many volunteer at community organizations ,at their churches, participate in school clubs and sports teams, and often work to help support their family. Yet they are not fully integrated into our society because of their immigration status and often fear deportation.

This afternoon, you will meet Felipe, Gaby, Carlos and Juan, and two of our own undocumented students from Northern Virginia. They are here today to tell you their own story in their own words.

There are an estimated 65,000 undocumented students graduating from American high schools each year. Many have grown up in mixed status families, with U.S citizen siblings and/or documented parents that have permanent roots in this country. Some have already been petitioned by their families, but continue to wait in line in a badly backlogged immigration system. These students strive to stay united to their families and to get a fair shake at the American Dream.

The students you will meet today are advocating for a pathway to citizenship for undocumented youth through a larger immigration reform bill that would include the DREAM Act.

These students were raised and educated through their high school years in the United States. They are the nation’s future innovators and entrepreneurs and will make up part of the educated workforce needed to help the U.S. compete in the global economy. In our globalized world, their uniqueness, multi-lin-gual ,bicultural skills, and contributions are more important than ever to the success and global competitiveness of the United States. No matter where you stand on this issue, I want it to be clear that none of these students partook in their families’ decision to come to the U.S., nor did they have any control over the economic conditions in their home countries that forced their parents to come here. They did not design our failed immigration system.

As you experience today’s action, I would like for you to consider the following questions, “Will you walk with them?” Do you want to be part of making sure students like them fulfill their potential? As state and local taxpayers, we have already invested in the education of these children in elementary and secondary school. I believe we deserve to get a return on our investment. I will take the road less traveled. Will you? Will you walk with them?

-By: Venus Miller

link to
Trail of Dreams NY: Join Walkers for Week of ACTION!
Tags: dream act, immigrant youth, may1st,, organizing

Posted on April 27, 2010 by marisol
Trail of Dreams

The Trail of Dreams is really close to Washington DC. Check out our week of action below and find out how you can get involved!!!

Tuesday, April 27th

9am-5pm Walk to University of Maryland at College Park To walk, contact:

6pm Georgetown University Event Contact Francisco Gutierrez for more info at

Wednesday, April 28th

9am-5pm Walk to Gallaudet University To walk, contact:

10am National Press Club Event Lisagor Room: 529, 14th Street, NW, Washington DC Contact Marisol at

Thursday, April 29th All Day

National Dream ACT Lobby DAY Register at:

For more info, contact Kiran at

Friday, April 30th All Day

Trail of Dreams NY Dream ACT Lobby Day For more info/questions: Contact Kiran at

2pm “Death of Dreams” Action at Senator Schumers’ Office// Contact 4 info

•in NYC: 757 Third Avenue, New York 10017 (btwn 47th/48th on 3rd Ave)
•in DC: 13 Hart Bldg, Washington, DC
Saturday, MAY 1st YLC IN WASHINGTON, DC 6:30am

Bus leaves from NYC from Union Square East 4,5,6, N,R,W, L Train to Union Square Costs: $5 Register at Contact Sergio at 4 info

11am March from Gallaudet University with Trail of Dreams NY to 15th and Constitution Ave Meet at 800 Florida Ave NE, Washington, DC? Will walk 1 MILE to 15th and Constitution Ave

12pm Rally with Trail of Dreams NY and FL and then walk to Lafayette Park

2pm Rally at Lafayette Park (in front of White House)

YLC IN NEW YORK CITY May 1st Contingent // Contact or 212-627-2227 ext 248 for info or questions
link to
Gregg Joins the Trail of DREAMs
Trail of Dreams

Posted on April 25, 2010 by juan

Let me introduce myself. My name is Gregg Martin and I have had the honor of accompanying these amazing and courageous individuals for about a week now. They have honored me even further by asking me to contribute to their blog, and this is my first post. In order for the reader to be able to put what I write in proper perspective, I need to explain who I am and why I asked Felipe, Juan, Carlos, and Gaby if I could join them on their journey.

I am 50 years old, white, male, and a retired navy chief petty officer. Although always aware of the need for change in our country’s immigration system, my interest started becoming that much more acute after I heard about the Bracero Program that started at the beginning of World War II and lasted until 1964. The program came about when the United States approached Mexico for help during the critical labor shortage caused by the United States’ entry into the war, and without Mexico’s help, practically every one of America’s crops would have rotted in the field for lack of anyone to harvest them.

I wanted to learn more about this significant piece of our American history and started researching. Each book or article I read would reference another event or period in the history between Mexico and America, and before long I had studied the entire history between Mexico and America from the moment Mexico won her independence from Spain up until today. What I learned was that my country has unjustly treated Hispanics for a very long time, exploiting or rejecting them, depending upon the state of our economy and whether or not we needed their labor.

It has long been one of my firm convictions that if you are aware of a problem but don’t do anything to help resolve it, you are in fact part of that problem. I am now aware of a problem…a very big problem…one that is growing worse, not better, and one that is destroying our country. That problem is ignorance of history and of the fact that the Hispanic population of our country—documented or otherwise—has played an enormous part in making our United States the wonderful country that it is. This ignorance is distorting the perceptions of my fellow Americans and allowing the passing of unconscionable legislation such as the new law in Arizona that essentially mandates racial profiling.

Another one of my unshakable convictions is that the overwhelming majority of Americans desperately want to do the right thing at all costs. Ignorance of the facts as well as being influenced by the lies and misinformation being promulgated by a small but very vocal minority has caused good people to do the wrong thing. Knowing this, I have no choice but to work for change. If I didn’t, I would then be part of the problem…and I have too much self-respect and respect for my fellow Americans to allow that.

These four students and the team supporting them on their quest for change gained my immediate respect the first time I read about them. Having been with them on The Trail for a little over a week now and learning more about them individually and collectively each day has caused that respect to turn into admiration. I am sincerely grateful to them for letting me be a part of the Trail of Dreams. Felipe, Juan, Carlos, Gaby, and a rapidly growing number of students just like them are going to change this world, there is no question in my mind whatsoever. And I am going to be there to see it.

link to
Official Statement on SB1070 in Arizona
Trail of Dreams
Posted on April 24, 2010 by felipe

Dear Supporters,

Yesterday, as we were less than 50 miles from our final destination we discovered the upsetting news that Governor Jan Brewer from Arizona signed SB1070 into law. Along our 1500 mile journey we have witnessed the devastating symptoms of the lack of courage from our leaders to address racist measures such as 287 (g), Secure Communities, and now SB1070. In every community that we have walked through we met children left orphaned due to their parents’ deportation and young people afraid of not being able to fulfill their potential. Even more alarming, communities live in terror and distrust the local law enforcement agency.

The United States was built on the principle that all men are created equal; however, our current immigration system pushes an entire population of more than eleven million human beings into a constant state of sheer paranoia. When local or state governments such as Arizona and so many counties across the country irresponsibly take matters into their own hands inalienable rights are denied. Like President Obama stated, “Indeed, our failure to act responsibly at the federal level will only open door to irresponsibility by others.”

Measures such as SB1070 open doors to racial profiling and it creates an ideal environment for racial tensions. We are extremely concerned that hate groups such as the Minutemen will gain legitimacy under this legislation. We stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Arizona.

As we approach the end of our walk, the Trail of DREAMs will not stop seeking justice for immigrants everywhere in the United States. Once our families looked into the US as a place where justice and liberty could be found. On April 23, 2010, Pres. Obama stated during a naturalization ceremony; “…somewhere in the world is a young boy or a young girl wondering if they can too share in America’s promise.” Is the promise real when a whole state in this beautiful nation becomes a hub for racial injustice? Show your commitment to holding Pres. Obama accountable by signing our petition to stop the deportation of young people and their families at


Gaby Pacheco, Felipe Matos, Carlos Roa and Juan Rodriguez
link to
Arizona -Why We CAN'T WAIT
Tags: juan
Trail of dreams

Posted on April 24, 2010 by juan

From: Fredericksburg, VA

Today, at 1:30 p.m. our country took a step backward in its evolution as Governor Brewer of Arizona signed Senate Bill 1070 into law –legalizing racial profiling as a tool for immigration enforcement by local police. In three months, this law will take effect and automatically begin criminalizing more than 1/10 of Arizona’s population.

I was with Gaby this afternoon when the announcement came in from Arizona. Gaby looked at me and said, “Is this possible? This is like a flashback to the KKK rally that happened in Nahunta, GA.” The hatred in this country continues to spread and being enacted as policy. Advocates are calling this situation a racial reign of terror.

I’m reminded of my friend Shu, who told me long before Gaby about how this country had declared war against itself… and against the very principles that our nation was founded on and meant to defend.

America, is this what family unity looks like?

A child held behind the same cell with his parents simply because they had no form of access to legalizing their status, or simply didn’t have the necessary racial and economic privilege to attain it?

Is this what equality looks like?

A student having every possible qualification for higher education but being turned away solely because she cannot show a valid social security number, or a visa?

Is this what we have allowed Arizona to become?

Obama said it himself today: "Our failure to act responsibly at the federal level will only open the door to irresponsibility by others"

We will hold him to his word and expect congress and his administration to act responsibly to respond immediately to this human rights crisis.

We must reform the immigration system in our country so that it treats all people humanely.

We must demand an end to the deportations and to the separation of families! link to

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Watch C-Span to see what the Senators Say About Arizona

Senate hearing will probably be about Arizona's new immigation law


Security hearing expected to turn to immigration

The Associated Press
Tuesday, April 27, 2010; 5:15 AM
WASHINGTON -- Senators are expected to question Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano about the ramifications of Arizona's tough new immigration law when she appears for an oversight hearing. link to complete article

Arizona en Espanol

Articulos sobre Arizona y Imigracion - en Espanol

La Opinion  Los Angeles - 

La Jornada  Mexico City - 

27 abril 2010

To Heck with the U.S. Constitution Says Arizona Gov.

She may say that now, but the law will inevitably end up in court.  The problem is that Roberts is the Chief Justice, and we know which way he goes.

April 26, 2010, 7:24 pm
Will Arizona’s Immigration Law Survive?
Arizona borderDario Lopez-Mills/Associated Press On the Arizona-Mexico border. 
Arizona’s tough new immigration enforcement law, which was signed on Friday, will face many legal challenges before it goes into effect this summer. Some opponents of the law, the toughest in the nation, predict that it will suffer the same fate as California’s Proposition 187, which was passed in 1994 but never carried out because of legal setbacks and political opposition.
But California’s initiative was aimed at limiting illegal immigrants’ access to social services, while Arizona’s measure focuses on law enforcement: identifying, prosecuting and deporting undocumented immigrants.
What are the possible legal objections to Arizona’s measure, and are they valid or not? What effect will this prospective law have on the rest of the country and on national politics?

click here for link to complete NYT article

Monday, April 26, 2010

Boycotting Arizona

Quoted in the Houston Chronicle, the Governor of Arizona told her Attorney General that she was not worried about the U.S. Constitution, since most of her constituents wanted her to sign the bill into law.

Aren't elected officials obligated to adhere to the Constitution?  Maybe Arizona believes it is immune from the rule of law.
Democrats lead calls to boycott Arizona over immigration bill
• Opposition to policy gathers momentum across US
• Critics say law will lead to victimisation of Latinos
Calls grew across the US today for a boycott of Arizona over its new law giving the police the most draconian powers in the country to deal with illegal immigration.  Democratic members of Congress, religious leaders and leftwing activists urged a boycott of hotels, convention centres and other economic targets in the state. At least one nationwide group has responded by cancelling a convention planned for the autumn. Scores of lorry drivers were reported in the US media to have threatened to stop carrying loads to and from the state.  The calls are being made spontaneously by individuals and an array of groups, but leftwing activists predict they will soon coalesce into a single campaign. link to complete article

link to video from France 24

DREAMers Walking Arrive in D.C. Today April 26th!

Four undocumented students are walking 1,500 miles from Miami to Washington, DC. to demand president Obama an Immigration Reform and a chance for undocumented children to study and work legally in the U.S. Please join us today:


4:00 - 6 PM Meet the Trail of Dreams at 6230 Richmond Highway, Alexandria, VA. 

6:00 - 6:30 PM Walk with community members to the Tenants and Workers United (TWU) Office at 3801 Mount Vernon Avenue, Alexandria, VA. 

6:30 – 8:00 PM Welcome Ceremony and Concert at TWU office. 

See map of route: 

Watch events live online:

Learn more about Trail of Dreams:

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Terrorism Fear vs Volcano Fear

Now that many passengers (especially people of color) have to submit to full body scans in the name of keeping us safe from terrorism, we find that the airline companies don't really care about safety.  If they did they wouldn't have been fighting for so long to avoid any rules regarding the danger of volcanic ash in the sky.

In the photo below, you will see what will end up in the engine of the plane.  This is volcanic ash after it has solidified.*

Volcanic ash: air industry was warned in 2007

International watchdog told industry flight bans were possible and called for guidelines three years ago
Jamie Doward and Cal Flyn
  • The Observer, Sunday 25 April 2010      
  • Minutes of the Volcano Watch group's annual meeting, held in New Zealand in 2007:
  • "There is no definition of a safe concentration of ash for different aircraft ... In order to give a reliable and justifiable all-clear, once a plume has dispersed enough to be undetectable, clear limits of ash content are required from both the manufacturers and aviation licensing authorities." It acknowledged that establishing a safe lower limit was a "difficult and longstanding problem".     

  • *Information (and image) from the Alaska Volcano Observatory/University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute          

Fighting the Arizona Immigration Law

Washington Post
By Jonathan J. Cooper and Paul Davenport
Sunday, April 25, 2010
...The Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund said it plans to challenge the law, which it said "launches Arizona into a spiral of pervasive fear, community distrust, increased crime and costly litigation, with nationwide repercussions."
William Sanchez, president of the National Coalition of Latino Clergy and Christian Leaders Legal Defense Fund, said his group is preparing a federal lawsuit against Arizona to stop the law from being applied. The group represents 30,000 evangelical churches nationwide, including 300 Latino pastors in Arizona... link

photo:  Gov. Janet Brewer

Arizona's Law in Texas?

How the AZ Immigration Bill Will Affect Texas

KUHF Radio - April 23, 2010

by: David Pitman - link to article

listen to audio: > in your media player

Friday, April 23, 2010

Protest in AZ: Leave your ID at home

Civil Disobedience in AZ: Leave your license at home.

Daily Kos

Fri Apr 23, 2010 at 02:16:38 PM PDT

I had an idea (as I was steaming about how many backwards bigots live in Arizona).

What if no one with brown skin carried any form of identification in Arizona? (Of course pale skinned people could join in, just to show how few of them will get arrested). No Birth Certificate, no license, nothing.

That means that the police will have to arrest any brown-skinned person, or person with an accent they talk to. Let them arrest us all. Of course, citizens will get set free as soon as the police figure it out-- but let's make them figure it out.

I figure it costs a thousand dollars or so to make an arrest, especially if they have to investigate each case. So screw them... make them prove each person innocent so they can get rid of us.

So this is my idea. If you are in Arizona; simply refuse to carry identification. Just leave your license at home.

If enough people do this, the system will be unworkable sooner rather than later.

Demanding White Wait Staff?

British family 'demanded white staff at Florida hotel' - April 23, 2010
Alleged request not to be served by 'people of colour' emerges in writ by waiter against Ritz-Carlton in Naples, Florida
A British family has been banned from staying at a chain of luxury hotels after allegedly requesting not to be served by "people of colour" at a Florida resort.
The demand, allegedly lodged by the family on arrival, has emerged in a claim by a Haitian-born waiter against the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Naples, Florida. link to complete Guardian article

From L.A. - La Opinion - En Espanol

Obama rechaza propuesta de ley SB1070

  • Antonieta Cádiz/ |
  • 2010-04-23
  • | La Opinión

WASHINGTON, D.C.- Un ambiente de moderado optimismo prespecto a la reforma migratoria se percibió hoy, luego de que el presidente Barack Obama se refiriera públicamente a la necesidad de una reforma desde la Casa Blanca y rechazara el proyecto de ley de Arizona SB1070.

Muchas han sido las críticas, tanto de republicanos, como de grupos pro inmigración, sobre falta de liderazgo por parte de la Administración. Incluso Lindsey Graham, el republicano que se ha visto involucrado en las negociaciones para un proyecto de ley con el senador Charles Schumer (R-SC), hizo un llamado al mandatario, para que demostrara una postura más firme y explícita sobre su real voluntad sobre el tema de inmigración.

Obama respondió hoy públicamente: "Es inaceptable que once millones de personas vivan ilegalmente en el país, fuera del sistema. Los estadounidenses demandan y merecen una solución. Se merecen una reforma migratoria comprensiva basada en principios de responsabilidad", dijo.

"Le doy la bienvenida al compromiso del liderazgo demócrata de la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado para tomar acción. Continuaré consultando con demócratas y republicanos en el Congreso. "Quiero destacar que once senadores republicanos votaron a favor de la reforma migratoria cuatro años atrás. Estoy esperanzado en que ellos se unirán a los demócratas nuevamente para que podamos obtener el progreso que los estadounidenses merecen", dijo Obama.

Y continuó expresando: "Ciertamente, nuestro fracaso en actuar responsablemente a nivel federal, ha abierto la puerta a la irresponsabilidad de otros, y eso incluye por ejemplo, los recientes esfuerzos en Arizona, que amenazan con minar las nociones básicas de justicia que todos los estadounidenses atesoramos, así como la confianza entre los policías y las comunidades que es tan crucial para nuestra seguridad." mas

Have you looked at your shoes lately?

Apparently in Arizona, law enforcement officers can spot an undocumented person by their shoes. That is a new one. There have been stories about business people who are judged by how nice their shoes look, but I have never heard it could be used as a way to identify someone without papers.

If you happen to live in Arizona, no matter what ethnic group you belong to, be sure to wear your nice shoes from now on, or you could be detained by ICE.


Brian Bilbray, GOP Rep., Claims Clothes Identify Illegal Immigrants, Huffington Post

A National Uproar: Arizona Governor Signs 1070

In Arizona, Immigrants will now be required to carry their "papers" at all times. Just like Freedmen (freed slaves) had to do in the U.S. South before Emancipation. Pretty soon Arizona law will require immigrants to wear a star on their clothing...


Arizona governor signs immigration bill

By the CNN Wire Staff
April 23, 2010 5:51 p.m. EDT
Click to play
Arizona Governor signs immigration bill
  • Executive order requires training on implementing law without racial profiling
  • Measure "threatens to undermine basic notions of fairness," Obama says
  • Bill requires immigrants to carry papers at all times

Phoenix, Arizona (CNN) -- Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed a state bill Friday that requires police to determine whether a person is in the United States legally, which critics say will foster racial profiling and discrimination but supporters say will crack down on illegal immigration.

The Republican governor also issued an executive order that would require additional training for local officers on how to implement the law without engaging in racial profiling.

"This training will include what does and does not constitute reasonable suspicion that a person is not legally present in the United States," Brewer said after signing the bill.

Previously, officers could check someone's immigration status only if that person was suspected in another crime.

What will Arizona's immigration law do?

Brewer's executive order was in response to critics who argue that the new law will lead to racial profiling, saying that most police officers don't have enough training to look past race while investigating a person's legal status.

Video: Obama: immigration bill 'misguided'
Video: Arizona lawmaker defends bill

"Racial profiling is illegal. It is illegal in America, and it's certainly illegal in Arizona," Brewer said.

The bill is considered to be among the toughest immigration measures in the nation. Supporters say the measure is needed to fill a void left by the federal government's failure to enforce its immigration laws.

This week, its leading sponsor, state Sen. Russell Pearce, said, "Illegal is not a race; it's a crime."

"We're going to take the handcuffs off of law enforcement. We're going to put them on the bad guy," said Pearce, a Republican.

The bill requires immigrants to carry their alien registration documents at all times and requires police to question people if there is reason to suspect that they're in the United States illegally. It also targets those who hire illegal immigrant day laborers or knowingly transport them.

In the hours leading up to the bill's signing, thousands rallied at the Arizona Capitol, and President Obama, in the nation's capital, called the legislation "misguided" but said the federal government must act on the immigration issue.

"Our failure to act responsible at the federal level will only open the door to irresponsibility by others. That includes, for example, the recent efforts in Arizona which threaten to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and their communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe," the president said at a naturalization ceremony for 24 members of the military...

Read the full text of Arizona Senate Bill 1070 (PDF)

link to complete CNN article