C-Span's definition of "Discharge Petition:" starts a process to force a bill out of committee. A successful petition requires the signatures of 218 members, which is a majority of the House.
The bill 4088 is very similar to the bill presented by the House of Representatives in early 2006. As mentioned before on this blog - the media seems to have made a pact with the devil - they are leaving the news about 4088 under the table.
Hopefully, the people involved with 4088 are pushing the bill so that they can seem tough to their anti-immigrant constituents - they might be thinking its the only hope they have when November comes - since it is clear that the GOP will be going down the tubes (at least for a while).
The list below is that of Representatives who signed the petition on 4088 (s.a.v.e. bill)
Is your favorite Representative on this list? If so, you might want to question how they view humanity - if they are supporting (and endorsing) HB4088 they are wanting something very harsh to come down on the U.S. See
dreamacttexas posts "The Gravity of HB4088" from March 19, 2008 and "Explaining the S.A.V.E. Act (HB 4088) from March 13, 2008.
Discharge Petition on HB 4088 signed by the following Members:
Thelma D. Drake, Brian P. Bilbray, Lynn A. Westmoreland, Tom Davis, Bill Shuster, Jo Bonner, Peter J. Roskam, Mike Pence, Roy Blunt, Charles W. Dent, Mac Thornberry. Jeff Miller, Terry Everett. Thomas G. Tancredo, Heath Shuler, Ginny Brown-Waite, Steve Buyer, Eric Cantor, Michael C. Burgess, Virginia Foxx, Gus M. Bilirakis, Jeb Hensarling, Joe Wilson, Jean Schmidt, Jim Gerlach, David Davis, Paul C. Broun, Gene Taylor, Tim Walberg, John Campbell, Mike Ferguson, Dean Heller, Thaddeus G. McCotter, Ted Poe, Kevin Brady, Darrell E. Issa, Charles W. Boustany, Jr., Rodney Alexander, Michael R. Turner, Todd Russell Platts, Phil English, Tom Cole, Frank R. Wolf, Edward R. Royce, Mary Fallin, Randy Neugebauer, Marilyn N. Musgrave, Candice S. Miller, Mary Bono Mack, Connie Mack, Jim Jordan, John Abney Culberson, J. Randy Forbes, John Kline, Steve King, Bob Inglis, Joe Knollenberg, Jim Saxton, Peter Hoekstra, Brad Ellsworth, F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr., Ron Lewis, Jerry Weller, Kay Granger, Patrick T. McHenry, K. Michael Conaway, Walter B. Jones, Jo Ann Emerson, Michele Bachmann, J. Gresham Barrett, Ray LaHood, John Barrow, Lee Terry, Dana Rohrabacher, Harold Rogers, John J. Duncan, Jr., John B. Shadegg, Daniel E. Lun- gren, Nick Lampson, Joseph R. Pitts, Sue Wilkins Myrick, Barbara Cubin, Geoff Davis, Robin Hayes, Christopher H. Smith, Virgil H. Goode, Jr., Henry E. Brown, Jr., Mark Steven Kirk, Lamar Smith, Ken Calvert, Bob Goodlatte, Christopher Shays, Judy Biggert, Todd Tiahrt, Nathan Deal, Michael N. Castle, Robert E. Latta, Ric Keller, David G. Reichert, Kenny Marchant, Jim McCrery, Robert J. Wittman, John Boozman, John R. Carter, Donald A. Manzullo, Sam Graves, Ander Crenshaw, Doug Lamborn, Scott Garrett, Tom Feeney, Rodney P. Frelinghuysen, Cliff Stearns, Paul Ryan, Dave Weldon, Tim Murphy, Kenny C. Hulshof, Jack Kingston, Steven C. LaTourette, Marsha Blackburn, Mike McIntyre, Dan Burton, Duncan Hunter, Nancy E. Boyda. Michael T. McCaul, Greg Walden, Jerry Lewis, David Dreier, Trent Franks, Heather Wilson, Rick Renzi, Jeff Fortenberry, Phil Gingrey, Pete Sessions, John Sullivan, W. Todd Akin, Zach Wamp, Tom Price, John Linder, Adrian Smith, Kevin McCarthy, John L. Mica, John A. Boehner, Frank D. Lucas, Jerry Moran, Ed Whitfield, Adam H. Putnam, Howard Coble, Gary G. Miller, Roscoe G. Bartlett, Louie Gohmert, Dave Camp, C. W. Bill Young, Wayne T. Gilchrest, Elton Gallegly, Ralph M. Hall, John E. Peterson, Peter T. King, Thomas E. Petri. Sam Johnson, Steve Chabot, Howard P. ``Buck'' McKeon, John T. Doolittle. Stevan Pearce, Vern Buchanan, Wally Herger, Chris Cannon, Rob Bishop, John Shimkus, Mike Pence, Robert B. Aderholt, Michael K. Simpson, Ralph Regula, Jim Ramstad, Jon C. Porter. Dennis R. Rehberg, Tom Latham. Spencer Bachus, Joe Barton, Joe Donnelly, Christopher P. Carney. and Jeff Flake.
click title of this post for link to Thomas Report on 4088