Friday, July 27, 2007

Specter to Unveil New Immigration Package

Senator Arlen Specter

Specter is going to try again - No comment on the Dream Act

Specter has new immigration package
By Elana Schor
July 27, 2007

The Senate Judiciary Committee’s senior Republican said on Thursday that he is on the verge of offering a new immigration reform package, making significant changes that could win over recalcitrant members from both parties...

..Specter explained the new measure would omit the controversial “Z visa” program, which would have given the nation’s 12 million illegal immigrants a path to citizenship. Removing the Z visa would offer conservatives less opening to tag the bill as “amnesty.” But he would leave intact the family reunification standard that this spring’s defunct immigration bill partially replaced with a skills-based system...

The lone change in the status of the 12 million, Specter said, would be removing their status as fugitives from justice, an attempt to diminish their incentive to remain outside the system and in fear of deportation.

...Offering green cards to immigrants seeking employment in the high-tech industry is under consideration, he said.

Senators Compromise on Border Security
The Associated Press
Thursday, July 26, 2007; 4:00 PM
Washington Post

..Arlen Specter, R-Pa., said he is circulating a plan that would grant some legal status to illegal immigrants but would stop short of giving them citizenship.

That approach "would take the teeth out of the amnesty argument," Specter said. "I think we can act this year. I think this bill is very close to doable."

for complete article:

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