Thursday, July 19, 2007

Tom DeLay tells College Republicans that abortion, illegal immigration are linked

"I contend [abortion] affects you in immigration," DeLay told the Washington-area gathering.

"If we had those 40 million children that were killed over the last 30 years,

we wouldn't need the illegal immigrants to fill the jobs that they are doing today.

Think about it."

The above quote comes from an article just published by the online journal The Ray Story. You can follow the link because it only gets better! Our boy Tom as we know is suffering mightily, and he must have been ecstatic to have had a chance to wet his whistle at a conference of young Republicans. Having attended one of the most Republican colleges in the south myself (Asbury, where a blue cross sits atop the water tower), I can just imagine the scene: Oxford and penny loafers for the boys, dress suits for the ladies, and shimmering hair parted as cleanly as a freshly dug ditch.

So, what is our boy Tom up too? I'm not sure because his aim is on the pro-choice, but he's like that guy that spots a deer in his scope and notices a second deer has just moved behind it. "If I aim just right I can graze the first deer, maiming it so it can run, and nail the second one." Shots like that never work. You end up making yourself look like a fool. All the boys back at camp say, "Tom, you had two deer standing in front of you and you managed to miss 'em both!" My advise to Tom is pick one deer at a time to shoot!

I got a good laugh out of the article, and I hope you guys will check it out. Sometimes we need a good ha-ha with all the zaniness coming at us.


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