Sunday, July 29, 2007

Virginia- Undocumented Students and Governmental Chaos

Prince William County Virginia - a place you might not want to visit.

Nasty anti-immigration laws frequently accompany other problems... As William Henry reminds us, we should "look at the record."

Washington Post
Letter to the Editor
from William E. Henry

How many of you have noticed how mean-spirited -- even downright nasty -- the Republican Party has become as a governing body. Well, now this has even reached into Prince William County and the Board of County Supervisors, which wants to put the muscle on the Hispanic community. I am sure they have their good talking points, but hardly do the draconian measures they have passed fit the crime.

One supervisor not only wants to stop Hispanic kids from going to public schools (a right already affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court) but also to do away with the "elected" School Board.

It seems to me if you want to turn what might be termed a bad situation into a catastrophe, just deny education to a bunch of kids so they can grow up ignorant and illiterate. Such thinking is not only pure nonsense but so flawed logically that it defies good sense.

It is idiot-speak at its worst. (This same supervisor has become so power hungry, apparently, he thinks adding a bureaucratic institution in the field of education will change things. He wants the supervisors to take over. May God help us!)

I also need to mention the gosh-awful mess in Richmond with Republican control of the General Assembly. Our Prince William delegates are among the most reactionary, voting no on practically every forward-looking idea that comes down the pike. Just look at the record...

for complete letter:

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