Friday, August 10, 2007

Chertoff Says Time Has Run Out

Fire 90% of our construction workers, agricultural workers, restaurant workers, landscapers, hotel industries workers? This appears to be the lastest Bush plan. The statement from DHS mentions the President's directive several times...

In an administration that has no clue about reality, they seem to be looking for more disaster as the hurricane is arriving. Headlines are changing by the hour regarding the current national (and international) financial crisis. Combining this with a mass firing as mandated by DHS for those with false documents.... the U.S. is in for some very big trouble.

One commentator said it will be like a hurricane hit us.

Statement from Service Employees International Union:

Statement of Eliseo Medina, Executive Vice President, SEIU
WASHINGTON, DC—“The Bush Administration revealed its true face with its new punitive, unrealistic immigration enforcement regulations today. Despite universal agreement that our current immigration system is broken, the administration is seeking cheap political points by bolstering tactics that are already flawed and failing.

We must ask why this president, who supports immigrants and workers when it’s politically expedient, would consider using precious federal resources to tear up families, militarize worksites, and hurt local communities. This is not America’s best face; it is a shameful rebuke of the values and principles this country was founded upon.

The proposed new regulations target people who babysit our children, who care for our grandparents, who pick and prepare our food. These proposals will intensify a wave of enforcement strategies that have already failed, leaving family tragedies and human misery in their wake.

President Bush has consistently said that enforcement alone does not work; yet his administration is suggesting strategies that foster discrimination, terrorize communities and promote an increasingly anti-immigrant climate that is fundamentally un-American. Putting millions of taxpayer dollars into a failed system will do nothing to solve our immigration problems. Instead we must work toward fair and practical ways to bring undocumented workers out of the shadows and create legal channels for much needed immigrant workers to come here in the future.”

posted on Immigration Prof Blog

New Plan Steps Up Immigration Enforcement
By William Branigin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, August 10, 2007; 3:40 PM

The federal government today announced a new plan to crack down on illegal immigrants and their employers using existing laws, while also streamlining current guest worker programs.

Under the plan, the government will step up interior enforcement of the nation's immigration laws and strengthen a program aimed at identifying illegal-immigrant workers who use false documents to gain employment. The effort involves bolstering an electronic system to verify eligibility for employment and increasing penalties for employers who deliberately hire illegal workers.

"Obviously there are employers who deliberately violate the law, and we will come down on them like a ton of bricks," Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said at a news conference to announce the new measures...

for complete article:

DHS Michael Certhoff presented new rules regarding immigration in a morning press conference. See

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