Thursday, August 23, 2007

Do a Little Thinking

My father used to say that I should "do a little thinking" when he wanted me to figure something out for myself. This comes to mind as I see a gooey article from the Arizona Republic that tells us John MCain loves Mexican food and Michael Bloomberg thinks Latinos are nice people.

The following is something I wrote in response to reading about how Latinos also want the American Dream. Of course we do. Its unfortunate that many work so hard and can't get there...

-----Of the anti-immigrant crowd, the Minute Men are the loudest and seemingly least rational. Then there are the nice people who just love Mexican food but think undocumented students shouldn't go to college with in-state tuition because "they don't pay taxes."

The Tax issue has been stated over and over again, clarified, corrected, insisted upon, yet the nation still wants to believe that undocumented immigrants don't pay taxes. As for medical care, at a Congressional Hearing in 2006 I was present when the Harris County Judge stated that the pressure on the county's medical system was NOT from immigrants,but from all the U.S. citizens that are not insured.

The information is out there folks. Unfortunately the entertainer/tv journalist Lou Dobbs yells all the wrong statistics in our face day after day. Maybe people believe him because he speaks so loud. Although you would have to be locked in a cave not to know that a number of well respected organizations have called him on his inflamatory accusations about immigrants bringing tuberculosis and other diseases - He has been proven wrong. Yet he refuses to apologize and continues on his tirade.

It is understandable that many people in the U.S. are angry and feeling that they are losing out on the American Dream. There is also so much pressure from above- our presidential administration is the closest we've seen to fascism (that is no secret) - we are being watched, listened to, analyzed as me move through our daily routines. Our emails to Mom are probably being read too. While there is some movement to criticize the President, he continues to sound like he is out of touch with reality (Iran is politically stable at this time???) - and no one is stopping him. The new majority in Congress, our beloved Democrats have melted under the heat - and have led us to be watched even more intensely- among other problems. Is there no one out there to help us?

If you remember when you were about ten years old and there was a bully in the playground. He/she would hit other kids and call them names, especially those that were smaller or younger. You probably thought that the bully was just taking it out on the weaklings... I propose that we consider ourselves as that bully, all of us who are citizens - of all ethnic groups and races. Even those who are wanting compassionate immigration reform. If we stand by and see the Minute Men, Mitt Romney and the radio evangelists/newscasters verbally beat undocumented immigrants to a pulp - then we are responsible if we don't do anything.

Read up on the statistics. You'll find that someone without papers is paying for your grandmother's social security -- they are paying in and will never be able to use the benefits...

Read about the crime rate - yes, the young man who murdered the three in New Jersey was an immigrant. Otherwise - the crime rate among immigrants is miniscule compared to U.S. citizens. In our neighborhood, which is mainly immigrant, everyone shudders when the 20 something white guy rides by on his bike day after day at all hours. We wonder, does he work, or go to school, is he scouting out my house, does he sell drugs? He hangs out with guys known to be drug dealers- all U.S. citizens. In the meantime my other neighbors who mostly can't speak English (although they would love to learn if they could) get up at 5 am everyday and are gone before my husband takes our dogs for a walk at 6 am. They are burned by the sun, their muscles ache from the heavy work they perform, yet you don't see them just hanging around. They have the best American work ethic I have ever seen. I can't say much for the guy on the bicycle.

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