Thursday, August 16, 2007

Immigrant Rights Organizations in LA and Nationwide

From KPFK FM, Los Angeles

Immigrant Rights Organizations

This is a list of Community Organizations where you can get information about immigrant rights, and information about the current ICE raids.

Esta es una lista de organizaciones comunitarias que le puedan brindar información sobre sus derechos como inmigrante en este país, así como las redadas de ICE en su área y lo que Usted puede hacer para protegerse y su familia.

Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles
Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles
2533 W. Third Street, Suite 101
Los Angeles, CA 90057
Telephone - 213.353.1333
Fax - 213.353.1344
Toll-free - 1.888.6-CHIRLA [1.888.624.4752]
E-mail -

Information DVD about CHIRLA / DVD informativo de CHIRLA:

Central American Resource Center
Founded in 1983 by a group of Salvadoran refugees whose mission was to secure legal status for the thousands of Central Americans fleeing the torture and brutality of civil war. During the 80’s and 90’s, over 52% of the one million plus Salvadorans and 59% of Guatemalans fleeing these atrocities came to Los Angeles. The transition from refugee to permanent resident in the United States challenged CARECEN to expand its capacity to meet the community’s need for social and economic empowerment. Our new community center is specifically designed to meet these challenges, serviing as a hub for educational and cultural enrichment, immigration & legal services and proactive programs created to foster citizenship & civic participation.

Founded in 1968 in San Antonio, Texas, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) is the leading nonprofit Latino litigation, advocacy and educational outreach institution in the United States. MALDEF's mission is to foster sound public policies, laws and programs to safeguard the civil rights of the 45 million Latinos living in the United States and to empower the Latino community to fully participate in our society.


Immigrant Solidarity Network / Labor Union Focus


The Farm Labor Organizing Committee, AFL-CIO (FLOC) is a union representing people who do some of the most important work in America – migrant farmworkers who pick the food we eat. Though these men, women, and too often children, feed our nation they typically work for poverty wages, in fields laced with pesticides, under a broiling sun. At day's end, they return to housing that can only be described as degrading to the human spirit.

National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
The National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (NNIRR) is composed of local coalitions and immigrant, community, religious, civil rights and labor organizations and activists and works to promote a just immigration and refugee policy in the U.S. and to defend and expand the rights of all immigrants and refugees regardless of immigration status.

PCUN (Northwest Treeplanters and Farmworkers United)
Oregon's union of farmworkers, nursery and reforestation workers, Oregon's largest Latino organization. Our most fundamental goal is to empower farmworkers to understand and take action against systematic exploitation and all of its effects. 80 farmworkers and treeplanters founded PCUN in April, 1985 and since then, we have registered more than 4,500 members. 98% are Mexican or Central American immigrants; about half reside permanently in Oregon.
United Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO

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