Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Now That Fredo is Gone

Fredo finally let go, we think. Hard to tell at this point if it was his decision or his boss. Interesting that Rove and Gonzalez resigned just a few days apart. Are they waiting for something to happen?

Most importantly- lets hope that Bush does not name Chertoff for Attorney General. Today on NPR there was speculation that Bush would make an appointment while Congress is in recess - like he did with Bolton at the United Nations.

Chertoff is a disturbing character. He did badly with Katrina, and has acted like a tyrant in the Homeland Security Department. Would that be any improvement over Gonzalez?

What would be worrisome is if Chertoff indeed gets appointed and he intensifies raids and harrassment of undocumented immigrants when he is A.G. - especially that he now hanging around with Senator Jeff Sessions.

5 Top Contenders for Attorney General
The Associated Press
Tuesday, August 28, 2007; 7:56 PM

WASHINGTON -- Moving quickly to replace Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, White House officials are considering five names that "have kind of emerged" as possible candidates to take over the beleaguered Justice Department, according to a senior Bush administration official...

The official who spoke on condition of anonymity in order to speak more openly about the process declined to identify the five contenders who were being looked at "pretty seriously."
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, also mentioned as a candidate, said little Tuesday during a to Mobile, Ala., about whether he may succeed Gonzales, instead praising the attorney general as "a dedicated public servant and a good friend."

Accompanying Chertoff was Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., who said "I know the president would like to have him as attorney general and I know he would like to have him as head of DHS...

for complete article: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/08/28/AR2007082801558.html?tid=informbox"

photo: Chertoff and Gonzalez http://french.belgium.usembassy.gov/uploads/images/HK2lL0Jc6cSgivdE1L3QWQ/Chertoff_Gonzalez.jpeg

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