Thursday, September 20, 2007

DREAM ACT Texas Blog Hits 2000!

Dream Act Texas just made it to 2,000! Its only been 16 days since we reached 1,000.. For a blog that started just 2 months ago, its pretty unusual - at least that is what people tell me.

We thank you for your interest and support.


  1. Congratulations! I found your blog recently. You have a great collection of articles. I have been sharing your blog with my friends who are new to the immigration debate and aren’t aware of the human rights abuses that are occurring.

  2. Thank you. We are trying to decide if we should keep the blog going if the DREAM ACT passes.

  3. I would like to see your blog stay open. We desperately need to have more voices saying that the shocking abuse and persecution of non-citizens is not normal or acceptable. It seems like things are on a downward spiral these days. It is becoming increasingly accepted to scapegoat immigrants and undocumented immigrants for the economic problems facing America. This is a sinister trend – strikingly reminiscent of pre-world American ideology that justified acts like the sterilization of thousands of immigrants, African Americans, and mentally challenged people because of the economic burden they were believed place on society. This is not an extreme parallel. Read the forward of The State Boys Rebellion (a well written summary of period’s cultural trend) and then pursue a current anti-immigrant website such as

    It is significant to note that the economic and social ideas presented on websites like are not supported by the world’s leading economists. They are not mainstream ideas, yet in the political and social activist world accepted facts.

    Anyway, I would like to your blog stay open.

    State Boys Rebellion - ISBB: 074324513X Michael D'Antonio

  4. Opps –typo – meant to say pre-world war II American ideology.
