Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Missouri Imitating Virginia

In an editorial in the Kansas City Star - Gov. Blunt of Missouri is criticized for jumping into the hysteria with a new law that enables:

"25 state law enforcement officials, mostly with the Highway Patrol, will be deputized as federal immigration agents. That means they will be able to do paperwork and other duties now left solely to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Also, Blunt wants state law enforcement officers to be consistent in checking the immigration status for everyone they incarcerate."

More posturing on immigration
September 3, 2007
Kansas City Star

Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt’s leap to sound tough on illegal immigration probably will result in little more than what already is being done.

Further, the governor is wrong to insinuate that Missouri has a massive problem with illegal immigration and that such immigrants are committing a high number of violent crimes.

Blunt, in announcing efforts to enlist the help of the Missouri Highway Patrol for immigration enforcement, repeatedly referenced a heinous case where three people were murdered in New Jersey. One of the suspects is an illegal immigrant from Peru who had been let out on bail.

Studies show that illegal immigrants actually commit crimes at lower, not higher, levels than U.S. citizens...

for complete article: http://www.kansascity.com/340/story/259166.html

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