Saturday, September 8, 2007

Posting Comments on This Blog

A thought regarding "commentaries" on this blog.

Occasionally we get comments from people regarding what we have posted. Its not often, but when it happens, 99% of the time its a vicious remark like the one we recieved today.

Why is it easier for people with so much hatred to write their thoughts? The hundreds who have seen this blog, I am sure, have some type of response... especially those who are DREAM ACT students themselves - but those ideas and responses don't make it to the commentary... only those of people who have lots of hate in them.

One of the main issues behind this blog is about not being silent. Silence tells the world that bad stuff never happened. Silence tells everyone that we are passive and will let others abuse us.

I'm not talking about forming some kind of far out plot or sending hate mail to the President. What I mean is that with new technology we have a wonderful opportunity to use our voice - to spread necessary information - to show that the students out there who are wondering what will happen day after day, they are not alone... that there are many many people thinking about them- hoping and trying to get things resolved soon.

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