Sunday, September 23, 2007

Responses to LA Times Letters to the Editor

A few letters to the Editor from the LA Times - plus a response from DREAM ACT TEXAS

Letter to the Editor
LA Times September 23
Re "A uniquely American DREAM," Opinion, Sept. 19

The DREAM Act is anything but "a small act of immigration reform." For every illegal immigrant student admitted into a state university system, another U.S. citizen or legal student will be rejected. Illegal immigrant students seeking in-state tuition at public universities aren't responsible for violating our laws, having been brought into this country illegally by their parents. But it's also true that U.S. citizens and legal residents who'll be rejected when illegal aliens are added to the queue are being punished for the actions of illegal immigrant parents.

Only top ranked universities will be affected if an undocumented students takes a space. Most DREAM ACT students attend community colleges or lower ranked public univerisites - where very few citizens if none get shut out.

The DREAM ACT students are required to follow U.S. laws, they become immediately ineligible if they break ANY law.



Never mind that the legislation is chock-full of loopholes and open to fraud.

Its ultimate effect is that immigrants can use their newly acquired green card or citizen status to seek passage for the parents who brought them in and then put in motion the chain migration cycle.

The legislation is open to fraud yes, but against the best interest of the students. The military has them cornered. They have to have an Honorable Discharge from the military (25% discharges are not honorable). If they are severely injured and cannot complete their two years, they are also disqualified. If they live in a state that does not have in-state tuition they have little chance to go to college - In fact only an extremely small percentage make it through high school - and when they do, they are likely to have attended a problemmatic inner city school - with them less prepared for college.



The DREAM Act would permit illegal immigrant students to eventually seek green cards for their illegal immigrant parents, which could add millions of illegal aliens to the population. It is proposed by the same people who want to import poverty to the United States, which would eventually require increased taxes to support a burgeoning population of foreign nationals.

DREAM ACT students can request green cards for their parents, but remember our legal immigration system is cumbersome and ridiculously inefficient. You forget that it often takes up to 12 years for a person to recieve a green card - if its done through a sponsor.

See previous post "Journalists Beware: How Do You Use Data to Tell a Story, September 18. Immigrants do not import poverty they keep our economy vibrant. In addition DREAM ACT students will be productive tax payers and will help pay for benefits of the entitled baby boomer generation. Without all those billions that get lost in the social security system (paid by immigrants who can never claim their benefits) the social security system would collapse.

for link to LA Times letters, click title to this post

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