Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Senate and the DREAM ACT

Our Senators - Tues. September 18

They continued to argue about habeas corpus. Apparently some senators believe that it was never part of U.S. policy.

Finally in mid afternoon, Durbin presented the DREAM ACT which he did very eloquently. Afterwards there was more discussion on habeas corpus. They didn't have enough votes for habeas corpus.

Then Senator Sessions came up. He began with habeas corpus but ended with the DREAM ACT.

He says the DREAM ACT is controversial. He says that the Senate already decided there would be no immigration bill.

He reminds me a little of George Wallace, for those of you who remember.

The question now is will 60 Senators vote for the DREAM ACT? Habeas Corpus is a big thing... if they couldn't get the 60 for that, its going to truly be a challenge.

As NILC has said a number of times, send faxes and make phone calls to your senator, and other senators. Don't be embarrassed or shy. For those of you who are DREAM ACT students, it is your future. Every time you send a fax you are doing something for yourself.

Be bold, go to the Washington Post website and respond to an article. They are one of the better newspapers for readers comments, and believe me lots of people read the WP.

Some of the senators even have a "my space"... send the site a post (I know that Bill Richardson has one).
Although faxes and calls are preferrable - Send emails if you need to. You can send the address of this blog to them, so they can have lots of information on the DREAM ACT and DREAM ACT Students.

Post EVERYWHERE you can. The internet is much more powerful than anyone realizes.

If any DREAM ACT student wants to write something for this blog, send an email to dreamacttexas@gmail.com. We can arrange to have it posted so everyone can read it.

Think positive.

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