Saturday, September 29, 2007

Spitzer's Driver's License Plan Criticized

If Guiliani is against Spitzers move on the driver's license issue, it might not be so bad. Pete Wilson of California is supporting Guiliani - and in a political campaign that may not be a good thing.

September 29, 2007
New York Times
License Plan by Spitzer Gains Critic in Giuliani

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 28 — Rudolph W. Giuliani joined the chorus of Republicans opposing a plan by the New York governor, Eliot Spitzer, to allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses, calling the proposal a “mistake” that would only lead to greater chaos.

“I think it would just create an even further level of fraud and confusion in what is already a very confusing picture,” said Mr. Giuliani, the former mayor of New York, speaking to reporters after a campaign stop at a downtown restaurant Friday morning.

Mr. Giuliani’s remarks came as the governor’s plan continued to trigger intense reaction. Mr. Spitzer has said the policy would improve public safety by bringing immigrants out of the shadows and reduce insurance costs as more immigrants obtained licenses and car insurance.

But some county clerks upstate whose offices double as Department of Motor Vehicles branches have suggested they would refuse to issue the licenses.

On Friday, Republicans in the State Senate said they would act on a bill next month that would halt Mr. Spitzer’s policy, which is scheduled to take effect in December. Mr. Spitzer would allow foreign passports to be accepted as identification for a driver’s license application. Current policy requires Social Security numbers.

“The governor’s demand that clerks issue driver’s licenses to illegal aliens is yet another example of the governor’s arrogance and his attempt to go around the Legislature and bypass 212 elected representatives of the people,” the Senate majority leader, Joseph L. Bruno, said. “The governor has said publicly that he doesn’t need the Legislature and can run the state by himself. The driver’s license order is another result of that dictatorial attitude.”

In addition, Republicans in the Democratic-controlled State Assembly demanded that Mr. Spitzer rescind his plan, saying it was unlawful. “Handing licenses out like lollipops to illegal immigrants is an affront to those who are in our country legally and puts our communities at risk,” said Assemblyman Pete Lopez of Schoharie.

Meanwhile, the state’s A.F.L.-C.I.O. came out in support of Mr. Spitzer, calling the issue one of fairness. “As a progressive, enlightened society it is our responsibility to ensure a level playing field for all who want to work in this country,” Denis M. Hughes, president of the New York State A.F.L.-C.I.O., said in a statement. “This policy change is a step toward eliminating exploitation.”

Mr. Giuliani, who was endorsed by Pete Wilson, the former governor of California, in Santa Monica on Thursday, has seen his campaign swing dominated by questions about immigration...

Danny Hakim reported from Albany.

For link to complete article, click title to this post


  1. Since when is the AFL-CIO about creating a level playing field. If anything it will mean that labor union members will compete against undocumented immigrants for jobs.

  2. I agree. There was already a report of a NY mayor who hired illegal immigrants to perform a public works construction project.

    The main source of the controversy was the fact that the illegals were paid only $10/hour, but union members would have been paid $40/hour to do the same work. So the mayor was required to pay the illegals the ful $40/hr. Of course, I doubt the illegals will pay a nickel of tax on that money.
