Saturday, September 1, 2007

SSA No-Match Letters Temporarily Halted

Halt of Potential Nightmare for slightly under 18 Million people is relegated to third page of paper's front section

Hidden in the third page of the front section of the Washington Post is an article announcing that the SSA No-Match Letters were temporarily halted by a District Judge in San Francisco.

The first page had the more important news --- Senator Craigs resignation and stories about inappropriate behavior in shower stalls and Senator Warner retiring - a sad thing for the Senate, he is one of the few with some reason to him.

Interesting that the SSA No-Match project is not seen as important as Senator Craig -- since this plan would have affected EVERYBODY. The Wash. Post reminds us that:

"There are errors in the Social Security records of an estimated 12.7 million native-born U.S. citizens, 250,000 foreign-born citizens and 4.8 million legal immigrants, potentially creating a paralyzing bureaucratic nightmare for workers and Social Security offices if their records are dragged into the sweep.."

a "paralyzing bureaucratic nightmare?" When was something like this so significant?

Immigrant Crackdown Halted
Judge Delays DHS Plan to Check Social Security Numbers
By Spencer S. Hsu
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, September 1, 2007; Page A03

A federal judge yesterday barred the Bush administration from launching a crackdown Tuesday on U.S. employers who hire illegal immigrants while she considers a lawsuit by the AFL-CIO that charges that the plan will harm citizens and other legal workers.

The ruling, issued by U.S. District Judge Maxine M. Chesney in San Francisco, prohibits the Department of Homeland Security from starting to mail notices to 140,000 employers about suspect Social Security numbers. The "no- match" letters warn of penalties employers face by having discrepancies in their paperwork....
Chesney granted the request for a temporary restraining order against the government, saying the court needs "breathing room" before issuing a decision on the DHS plan. She set a hearing for Oct. 1.

for complete article:
Posted on Immigration Prof Blog

SSA No-Match Letter Rule Temporarily Halted

Judge Issues Order After Lawsuit Is Filed by AFL-CIO, ACLU, and National Immigration Law Center

August 31, 2007
CONTACT: Ana Avendaño, AFL-CIO, (202) 431-9743; Maria Archuleta, ACLU, (917) 892-9180; Stella Richardson, ACLU-NC, (415) 845-3042; Marielena Hincapié, NILC, (415) 845-3403;

SAN FRANCISCO - A federal judge today issued an order temporarily blocking the government from implementing a new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) rule that would cause U.S. citizens and other authorized workers to lose their jobs, and which would illegally use error-prone social security records as a tool for immigration enforcement. The judge's order also stops the Social Security Administration (SSA) from beginning to send notices on Tuesday to approximately 140,000 employers across the country notifying them of the new rule, which would impact approximately eight million workers.
The order comes as a result of a lawsuit filed on Wednesday by the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), the American Civil Liberties Union, the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) and the Central Labor Council of Alameda County along with other local labor movements. A hearing on the groups' request to permanently bar the implementation of the DHS rule is scheduled for October 1 before U.S. District Court Judge Charles Breyer.
"We are very pleased that the judge recognized the need to halt the implementation of this ill-advised DHS rule," said John Sweeney, President of the AFL-CIO. "Employers have historically used SSA 'no-match' letters to exploit workers and this rule would only give them a stronger pretext for doing more of the same..."

For complete posting:
Photo: from Business Week

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