Saturday, September 22, 2007

Taking a Closer Look at the DREAM ACT

An email was sent around yesterday (Sept. 21) by a number of academics that urged readers to take a closer look at the DREAM ACT. It was about the military provision. It made me pause. I never felt that comfortable about it. (see "Recruitment and Death in War, August 18, 2007, and "DREAM ACT and the Military, August 7, 2007). But I had convinced myself that it was only a tool to get the bill passed. Now I'm beginning to think differently. Like Fernando Suarez de Solar, I say BEWARE.

A good friend of mine that I've known for over 20 years said something to me recently about politics. He said that people don't pass laws so they can be nice to other people. They pass laws because it is in the lawmakers best interest. How does the DREAM ACT fit the interests of Senator Richard Durbin?

Ideally the DREAM ACT is great. The two year education option is an excellent way to help students get regularized. But the military option is beginning to sound more sinister. Durbin said that a number of immigrant students are pre-disposed to join the military... you know, us Latinos, our men are mostly those macho types (I say this with irony), many want to join the Marines or the Army so they can show how tough they are - wow can you imagine how big the lines would be for people to sign up!

However, watching the Senate debate this week really made me wonder if those senators had any idea of what the soldiers in Iraq are going through. They kept talking about victory, and wanting to leave Iraq after the country is stabilized. They laughed off the protection Senator Jim Webb was trying to get for the soldiers, when he asked for equal time at home. The Democrats are not able to get past the Republican stonewalling. But maybe there is a lession in this. Maybe its better that the DREAM ACT aka "Lets Get Lots of Latinos to use as Cannon Fodder" not pass. I imagine some of you are gasping.... what is this! She has been writing post after post pushing this bill.!

Unlike President Bush, I believe in changing positions if necessary - and I can admit I was wrong. The DREAM ACT is not wrong, but its wrong to seduce young immigrants into joining a military that just wants to toss them over there into the hell hole of the Middle East (which the U.S. created). In one second the student's dream would all end... all the senate has to do is outlaw in-state tuition for undocumented students as part of the bill. That would keep almost all the students from attending college... leaving them with limited options -- basically only joining the military.

Now -- this is not saying I'm unpatriotic. I just believe in respecting the lives of other human beings. I keep thinking of those thousands and thousands of American military who have returned home in pieces - and haven't been served well by the Veterans Administration. Many more are surviving their injuries compared to the Vietnam War..., but they remain useless to themselves and to our country.

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