Thursday, September 20, 2007

There's a Lot Your Can Learn From the Other Side

Opposition to the DREAM ACT

I just woke up and decided to search around for any new articles on the DREAM ACT. I found an editorial from the Washington Times. It looks like a very right wing paper. Probably is solidly behind family values and honesty. In fact the editorial mentions that Homeland Security is alarmed at the fraud that will occur if the amendment passes. Then I see something right next to the editorial that catches my eye. Something about hotel rooms. Oh, I think, this must be a hotel advertisement. Well...when I look further I am surprised.... it said "Asia Room Service - find your perfect hotel room now." That doesn't sound like an advertisement for hotel rooms, it sounds like a call service. So much for good, clean American values.

The editorial is a diatribe on the supposed horrors of the DREAM ACT, and as expected a call to arms for anti-immigrationists. Towards the end, I found this:

"But as things stand right now, Mr. Durbin's DREAM Act measure has the support of a majority of senators, and foes of the bill, led by Sen. Jeff Sessions, will likely seek to filibuster Mr. Durbin's proposal when he tries to attach it to the defense bill. But according to Numbers USA, which closely monitors immigration-related legislation, as of yesterday afternoon, only 17 senators were confirmed to be opposed to the DREAM measure; the senators who had yet to take a position include Republicans Charles Grassley, Orrin Hatch, John Cornyn and Kay Bailey Hutchison, Tom Coburn and John Ensign.

The Bush administration has not taken an official position, but Defense Department officials are quietly urging members to support the bill."

No Dream at All
Washington Times
September 19, 2007


The article was so difficult to read I couldn't get myself to take a closer look. It's really nasty. I really don't want anything so awful posted on this blog (from either side). So therefore, I'm not listing the web page. If you really want to see it, you'll need to find it yourself.

p.s. I think the photo says it all.

Photo: From Amadeo Sogni's blog.

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