Thursday, October 25, 2007

Getting Correct Information on the DREAM ACT

For concernedmom who responded to my posting "Wrong Information From Lou Dobbs"

For a certain number of the population, anything written in a blog such as DREAM ACT TEXAS would be suspicious. However, I will provide you information on my research and credentials.

To answer your questions:

1. And where exactly did you get your information about these kids?
I have been interviewing them, traveling with them, eating meals with them, going on retreats with them for the past 18 months. This work is part of an officially sanctioned research project at the University of Houston.

2.Do you know them?
Yes, I know them very very well -

3. Did they publish their names and life story?
No. The university does not allow me to use their names or disclose their identities. Its part of something called "Human Subjects" requirements that all universities have.

4. Or are you just passing on some La Raza propaganda?
If you mean propaganda as "misteaching or misinformation" - no. I believe that one person from the organization introduced themselves to me when I was at a congressional committee hearing in May 2007 in Washington, D.C, but we did not have a conversation. I'm sure many of the ideas I write about are also of interest to NCLR. But I have never read any of their documents.

5. You know? The old let's make Lou Dobbs look like a racist idiot stance?
I find it absolutely necessary to clarify mis-information. If that creates a certain perception of Mr. Dobbs, then he needs to be more judicious about how and what information he disseminates.

6. Why don't you get the correct information and then get back to all of us with it?
You have it in this blog.

If you have further questions about my qualifications for providing "correct information." I have a PhD in Cultural Anthropology from Rice University. In 2002 the University of Texas published my book on the social and culture history of northern Mexico. In a couple of months, my second book will be released, its about a social history of southeast Texas, published by Texas A&M Press. This research is part of my job as a tenured college professor.


  1. You should put an About Me page on this blog. I thought you were just a regular activist instead of a college professor.

    BTW, I was the one that argued with you over in state tuition provisions and Dream Act students (if you remember that). Ill put initials so you'll know when I post.

    I really like your blog and I hope you keep blogging. Tell us when your Dream Act book is published too because I would like to read your book.

    PS Im just a regular activist and I would have benefited from DREAM.

    - C_D

  2. Thank you C_D

    Yes, maybe its a good idea to put my info. on the About Me page. I'll think about it.

    Put your initials next time you post, so I'll know. Its good you questioned me. I always want to make sure I have accurate information. There is too much at stake.

    Academic books take forever to come out. But I'll keep everybody posted. I think I will continue the blog, if people think its helpful.

    Thank you for your activism. I wish we could have pulled it off this time. I'm still not giving up for the near future.

