Thursday, October 25, 2007

MALDEF Statement on DREAM ACT Vote 10 24 2007

From Mexican American Legal Defense Fund

1717 K Street, Suite 311, Washington, DC 20036 Office: 202-293-2828


FOR IMMEDIATE DISTRIBUTION Estuardo Rodriguez: 202-365-0625

October 24, 2007 Peter Zamora: 202-293-2828

Bush Administration and 44 U.S. Senators Block Passage of the DREAM Act

Vote is a victory for anti-immigrant sentiment over education and national service

Washington, DC - Today, by a vote of 52-44, the United States Senate rejected the DREAM Act, which required 60 votes to move forward. The DREAM Act would offer conditional legal immigration status for many of our nation's best and brightest high school graduates who enroll in community colleges or four-year colleges or serve in the nation's military.

More troubling than the 44 Senators' votes against the DREAM Act was the Bush Administration's late opposition to the bill and inaccurate message to the U.S. Senate on the substance of the proposal. In contrast to its previous support for comprehensive immigration reform that included a path to citizenship, the Administration turned its back on the graduates of U.S. high schools who could better contribute to the economy and society if the DREAM Act became law.

"President Bush and 44 Senators have weakened America by this vote. By cowering in the face of divisive anti-immigrant sentiment, they make it harder for the nation to be equipped to be ready, both here and abroad, for the economic, societal and other challenges we face. The DREAM Act was a modest proposal to increase educational opportunities for young people to serve the nation," stated John Trasviña, MALDEF's President and General Counsel.

"Our country needs elected officials who are willing to take action to strengthen our nation," stated Peter Zamora, Washington, D.C. Regional Counsel. "44 Senators and the White House have instead chosen to use anti-immigrant fear-mongering as a political tool. This is reprehensible."

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