Monday, November 5, 2007

A Conversation About Immigration Policy

Below are some questions posted by a reader regarding immigration policy - with my responses.

Dear Alexander,

It seems best to respond to your questions and comments on a blog post. I am sure many other readers will be interested in what you had to say.

1. Americans will always vote to preserve their nation's sovereignty over the bias of some ethnic minority.

You are probably right about the nation voting to preserve its sovereignty, its been one of the main trajectories since we separated from England.
2. Who cares what Hispanics think.

I think most people don't care what Hispanics/Latinos think. Just like most people don't have much interest in Catholics or 7th Day Adventists. Usually if you really care about a group of people you have some other special type of connection. Probably the people most concerned about Latinos now are political campaign managers. I'm not saying they care in a good way, just that they seem to be encouraging their candidates to spend lots of time on this subject (or avoiding it). If you would take the sarcasm out of your statement your argument would be more effective.

3. Most want open borders

You might be right on this one, at least a majority probably want open borders. But there are many that are as angry about immigration as you are.

I think what U.S. residents and citizens who are Latino really want is a fair, safe, system for people to immigrate to our country. One of the main problems now is that its almost impossible to come here legally unless you are wealthy or have a particularly much needed profession.

Many are for open borders because its hard to imagine keeping people from coming here. Its an extremely complicated situation that involves economics, international politics, patience and calm.

4. You are talking like they already run the United States of America

The voting block is getting to be very large, and there is a good chance this group will influence national (and many local) elections in the near future. But I certainly don't think Latinos run the country. Right now it seems that Bush/Cheney and their gang unfortunately still have lots of control.

5. Most...are too blinded by the needs of their relatives "back home"

Most people who left close relatives behind would probably be obsessed with getting them here -safely. But there are many who have no relatives in other countries, there is no "back home" - Remember there have been Latinos in the U.S. since before it was the U.S. There is a whole group (a few hundred) that migrated here from northern Mexico (the Linares area) in about 1750 - they were with the Santander expedition. They have many many descendants in the American southwest. Lots has been written about it.. you might want to check it out sometime.

6. Guess what. They do not.
That is why you will NOT see "comprehensive immigration reform" But you will see 700 miles of fence
and more deportations.

Yes, that is why we still don't have comprehensive immigration reform - and so many deportations. The small, but very vocal group of anti-immigrationists are running the show at the moment. But I think its only temporary. You underestimate the power of American corporations. Business will win over in the end - because the workers are needed.

7. Not because we are mean.

I guess that is what is so hard to understand. How can you not be hard hearted when you encourage sending children to deportation camps, separate families, and insult people? I know there is another side of you that is reasonable and fair, that you are probably a good family man. So the question is, why does this bring out the bad side of you? I know, most people say, its that they can't stand someone being here illegally. Ok, so that bothers people, but then if that is true, why do people tolerate so many other types of illegalities?

8. It will be because of
Mexican arrogance, articles like this, and millions marching in American cities with Mexican flags

Don't you think there is arrogance on both sides? Millions marched, but millions from the other side blasted the U.S. Senate with emails and faxes. Just an aside - it seems to be the American way - to be arrogant.

9. Next time write your blog in Spanish so you do not alienate most of your readers

My Spanish is not that good for writing a whole blog (its my second language)- and most of the people who read this blog can't read Spanish that well anyway. Remember that group that came here in 1750? Well their descendants mostly can't speak Spanish. Serious academic studies see that by the second generation the Spanish is just about gone. It may not seem that way because Spanish is everywhere these days... and true this is because of ongoing immigration and globalization.

Maybe a better question is why is it so difficult to accept people speaking another language? Most people in Europe do. Many people in Africa know French or English besides their native language. Most people in India speak English.

A good number of people don't like to be around those who speak different language because they are concerned the non-English speakers are talking about them. But believe me, they have a lot on their minds, much more than talking about the Anglo person* nearby.

Hope this clarifies a few things. Your comments are welcome. All that is required is that you be respectful.

*I use the word Anglo, because (you may be surprised) a large number of Hispanics/Latinos are white. Anglo means non-Hispanic white person.

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