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Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Romney: Demonizing In-State Tuition for DREAMERS
Romney is trying to strengthen his lead in Iowa by attacking Guiliani and Huckabee for supporting "tuition breaks and broader sanctuary for illegal immigrants or their children." It's pretty brutal to say children won't have "the opportunity to be awarded for academic achievements" - as Huckabee says in response to Romney's latest offensive.
Iowa is supposed to be a very conservative state. But does conservative also mean unethical or being heartless? I thought Americans from the heartland were supposed to be honest, ethical people - the ideal citizens? If they really are, how in the world could they vote for Romney?
Perhaps the leaders of the Mormon Church could approach Romney and explain that his campaign rhetoric is giving America a bad representation of Mormonism. The only other possibility besides the church elders speaking to him is if the leaders (whoever they are after Martinez resigned) of the Republican National Commitee pay him a visit.
On the other hand, he and Guiliani could keep blowing steam that will only turn into hot air. All that has to happen is for Iowa voters to open their eyes.
Romney Assails Foes on Immigration
The Associated Press
Tuesday, November 13, 2007; 6:28 PM
SIOUX CITY, Iowa -- Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney, seeking to protect his lead and fend off challenges from rivals in this early-voting state, assailed Rudy Giuliani and Mike Huckabee over supporting tuition breaks and broader sanctuary for illegal immigrants or their children.
The former Massachusetts governor singled out two of his Republican opponents and likened them to Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton, saying Tuesday: "There are those people in both parties who are in a sanctuary state of mind, who believe in sanctuary cities, who believe in policies which are sanctuary in nature."
In campaign appearances and advertisements in Iowa and elsewhere, Romney is increasingly using illegal immigration to differentiate himself from the rest of his opponents. The issue is particularly salient in Iowa's ultra-conservative western region, given the influx of immigrants coming to work in fields and factories in recent years.
Just weeks before voting begins, Romney is looking to solidify his double-digit advantage in polling in the leadoff caucus state while curbing Huckabee's recent rise in surveys and among religious conservatives. He also wants to prevent Giuliani from mounting a more serious challenge.
Going after both, Romney contended that Huckabee, the former Arkansas governor, fought for tuition breaks for children of illegal immigrants in his state, while Giuliani, the former New York mayor, provided tuition breaks at the City University for illegal immigrants. He said that Clinton, too, backs such breaks.
"Giving a better deal to the children of illegal aliens than we give to U.S. citizens from surrounding states is simply not fair and not right," Romney told reporters during a one-day visit.
In turn, Huckabee said in a phone interview with The Associated Press: "The attacks from a guy who has sanctuary cities in his state is interesting." Huckabee said he backed a bill in Arkansas _ and would do so again _ that gave children of illegal immigrants "the opportunity to be awarded for academic achievements" based on merit provided they were in the process of applying for citizenship.
"Why would you penalize the children for the crime of the parents?" Huckabee asked.
Also responding to Romney, Giuliani spokeswoman Maria Comella accused him of ignoring his own record as governor while he campaigns for president. "Under Governor Mitt Romney the number of illegal immigrants skyrocketed, while he recommended millions of dollars in state aid to numerous sanctuary cities and to companies employing illegal immigrants, not to mention the illegals working on his own lawn," she said.
During his time as governor, at least three Massachusetts cities offered sanctuary to illegal immigrants.
Speaking to reporters, Romney noted that he vetoed a bill the Massachusetts Legislature passed that would have allowed children born to illegal immigrants to get a tuition break in state schools. "Illegals do not get a break in our schools," he said.
While he focused on Huckabee and Giuliani, Romney broadened his criticism to include opponent John McCain, saying, "He is somebody who has taken the wrong side on this issue as well."...
for complete article: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/11/13/AR2007111301024_pf.html
cartoon: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://politicsoffthegrid.files.wordpress.com/2007/07/romney.jpg&imgrefurl=http://politicsoffthegrid.wordpress.com/category/media/page/2/&h=286&w=350&sz=41&hl=en&start=14&sig2=KXVmmFxei6X7esm9PHf5Qg&um=1&tbnid=9guRoMXvtb8W-M:&tbnh=98&tbnw=120&ei=3kk6R66DDJveggPkzuT7Cg&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dromney%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26rls%3Den%26sa%3DN
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