Saturday, December 1, 2007

Giuliani Says He Won't Change the Constitution on Citizenship by Birth

Giuliani finally said something that doesn't make him sound like a Minute Man... He says he wouldn't push to change the law providing citizenship to children of immigrants born in the U.S.

However, otherwise from that, he is no fun to listen to. He may have acted gallantly in response to 9-11, but he also seems surrounded by a cloud of ethically questionable behavior - not to mention his unsavory friends.

At this point in the campaign, it is extremely important for the U.S. to remember very clearly that we now have a president who has an "ethics problem" -- do we want another?

Someone interviewed for the article below said that his personal life has nothing to do with his professional life. His use of logic and system of decision making would be the same in both spheres -- If not, I would worry about his mental health.

Giuliani: Kids of Illegal Immigrants OK
The Associated Press
Saturday, December 1, 2007; 6:46 AM

BLUFFTON, S.C. -- Republican White House hopeful Rudy Giuliani said Friday he wouldn't try to change laws that make citizens of children born in the U.S. to illegal immigrants, noting that it's a matter determined by the Constitution.

"That's a very delicate balance that's been arrived at, and I wouldn't change that," Giuliani said in response to a question while campaigning at Sun City Hilton Head, a sprawling retirement community down the South Carolina coast from Charleston.

In Wednesday night's Republican debate, Giuliani and nomination rival Mitt Romney traded accusations of being soft on illegal immigration, and Giuliani took pains to deny that New York was a "sanctuary city" for illegal immigrants during his tenure as mayor.

While New York has never used the designation, it offers protections _ allowing illegal immigrants to report crimes, send kids to school or seek medical treatment without fear of being reported _ similar to those in cities that label themselves sanctuary cities.

Children born in the U.S. to illegal immigrants already are American citizens, and Giuliani said he would not try to change that.

for complete article:

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