Monday, January 21, 2008

Will ICE get training in Human Rights?

Now that the Department of Homeland Security is planning it's large transition (between presidential administrations), would it be possible to add some additional training in Human Rights?

DHS has taken out the "color coated charts" and has gathered its best minds to figure out how to stay organized when the U.S. gets a new president. They have even been receiving consultation from the Council for Excellence in Government and the National Academy of Public Administration. I wonder if anyone could make a suggestion.

In addition to the news of the transition/training, DHS also brought up its old song and dance about our vulnerability to terrorists attacks:

...the weeks before and after Jan. 20, 2009, may be a period of heightened vulnerability for the country. Pakistan, Britain and Spain were hit by bombings during national elections. The 1993 World Trade Center bombing came shortly after the start of the Clinton administration.

"It is in the transition period, when people are doing the handoff, that there is a natural degree of confusion, which creates an invitation to people to carry out terrorist attacks or other damaging enterprises," Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff told the department's advisory council this month.

Homeland Security Prepares for Its First Transition

By Stephen Barr
Monday, January 21, 2008; D01

The handoff to the next administration is a year off, but Paul. A. Schneider, the acting deputy secretary of Homeland Security, is making plans and keeping track of key lieutenants with a color-coded chart.

The chart shows critical jobs at 25 agencies and offices in the department. Schneider's goal is to make sure that either the No. 1 or No. 2 in each post is a career civil service employee. When Bush administration political appointees go out the door next January, the career employees will provide for continuity of operations on the borders, at airports and in the headquarters.

It will be the first transition for Homeland Security, created after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

And it needs to go smoothly, because the weeks before and after Jan. 20, 2009, may be a period of heightened vulnerability for the country. Pakistan, Britain and Spain were hit by bombings during national elections. The 1993 World Trade Center bombing came shortly after the start of the Clinton administration.

"It is in the transition period, when people are doing the handoff, that there is a natural degree of confusion, which creates an invitation to people to carry out terrorist attacks or other damaging enterprises," Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff told the department's advisory council this month.

At the department's request, the council, which includes local and state officials, nonprofit and corporate executives, and academics, prepared recommendations for the transition. The department also has sought transition advice from the nonprofit Council for Excellence in Government and the National Academy of Public Administration...

Theresa C. Bertucci, deputy assistant secretary for management at Immigration and Customs Enforcement, has identified 61 vital positions at ICE, tried to figure out who may be leaving and sought to determine who is ready for promotion to fill any gaps in the leadership ranks.

She, too, is a career official, with a resume that includes 27 years at the Justice Department. Her staff is putting together briefing books for immigration's next political cadre -- what has to be done in the first 30 days, then what's important for the next 60 days.

In coming months, career executives tapped to lead the transition at Homeland Security will attend leadership conferences and participate in crisis drills. "It's one thing putting players on the field and another to have them know each other and work as a unified team," Schneider said...

for complete article

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