Saturday, February 2, 2008

Crimes that cannot be reported - limitations in the life of an undocumented person

This week, Houston Police Chief Harold Hurtt again stated that HPD would not become auxiliary ICE officers. (see post "City Police as Ice Agents, February 1, 2008). One of the arguments supporting Hurtt is that if city police become ICE agents, HPD will lose it's credibility with the community - people who are undocumented won't report crimes for fear of getting deported. This is already happening.

It is tragic that this population feels it cannot protect itself, because in the end, undocumented persons are very likely to be victims of some type of crime or manipulation. A few examples:

1. Yesterday's post "When ID issues hit the club" describes a DREAMER (undocumented college student) being scammed for $20.00 by a club bouncer because she only has a matricula for an ID (matricula is an official ID in Mexico).

2. A very talented furniture maker has most of his tools stolen from his boss's van. He believes he cannot report the crime because he will be asked his immigration status.

3. A young undocumented family is threatened by a gang member - probably sent by the landlord so the family would move out of house they are renting (the landlord wanted the house for his son). Three big scary guys show up in the middle of the day, tell the wife (who is alone with a toddler) that her husband "better watch out." The young couple were good renters, always paid on time, made all repairs themselves. Six months later the house remains empty and the landlord has asked the couple to come back.

Instead of reporting the threats, they run to the neighbors, asking them to be on the lookout and to check on the wife during the day.

4. A young undocumented woman puts her car in reverse by mistake and hits the car behind her. She takes off, with no license - she can't take a chance. The other driver follows her a few blocks and honks at her repeatedly. She stops - after an appraisal, they work out an arrangement. She pays for the repair, but the accident is never reported.

5. A young secretary that is undocumented is afraid to ask for a raise because the company bookkeeper has reported a number of undocumented workers to ICE (and they have been deported).

6. Even with the matricula, some DREAMERS have stopped flying because they have been harassed by TSA officers at airport security. They have been told that the matricula is not valid for air travel, which is incorrect.

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