Saturday, February 23, 2008

Undocumented immigrants can't drive - but they really do pay taxes

Texas Observer cartoon

As I was looking around the web for an image that would help emphasize the post on the border wall I found this cartoon about immigration - which reminded me of Obama's statement during the Texas presidential debate on February 22nd. As he said he supported immigration reform - he also stressed that securing the borders was a must -- then he went down a list of what immigrants had to do to regularize -- pay big fines, learn English, etc etc.

Lets hope that Obama includes the driver's license so people can get to their English classes. Having a license would also help people make it to the immigration office so they can pay their fines for being undocumented...

Lastly, thank goodness they won't need a car to get to the IRS to pay back taxes, they won't have to make the trip because most of them had taxes taken out of their pay checks -- you may not know this but most undocumented immigrants work for registered companies or corporations ... who have them on the payroll (a very few percentage wait outside of Home Deport waiting for potential employers).. You may argue that these type of jobs don't count because undocumented people use a social security card with the wrong name... but this doesn't matter! The IRS will accept money from you no matter what name you use. Just ask any undocumented immigrant who has recently obtained a green card...


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