Monday, February 25, 2008

Jovenes Inmigrantes por un Futuro Mejor is very much alive!!

JIFM is still a very intricate part of Houston's immigrant community. I want to make it a point that the organization still exists in Houston. They are still providing immigrant students with the information and materials needed to apply for college/university and financial aid the right way. JIFM still does high school presentations, seminars, workshops and meet at Lee high school every Saturday morning.

Fortunately the Coalition of Higher Education for Immigrant Students runs an up-to-date website that can answer any question you might have about Texas' in-state tuition law. JIFM's website is under construction, but still available.

JIFM just had a very successful informational session at the Houston Hispanic Forum. A financial aid workshop was available for parents and their questions. DREAM Act information was given and a much needed TEXAS HANDBOOK for IMMIGRANT STUDENTS was given to the participants. If you have a question contact them at

I am thankful for the existence of this wonderful organization, as it has taught me many things and I have been able to help, educate and inspire many immigrant students. I have also met the greatest activist and supporters through JIFM and CHEIS.

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