Saturday, March 8, 2008

Left and Right Immigration Caucuses in Maryland

Two caucuses have formed in Maryland. One is the New Americans Caucus (pro-immigrant) and the other is the Citizen's Rights and Immigration Caucus (anti-immigrant)... It is expected that the Citizen's Right's group will lose because of not enough Republican representation in the Maryland Legislature.
The WP:

"Citizens' Rights and Immigration Caucus next week.

The caucus will reflect the goals of a "citizens' rights" movement that McDonough said will focus less on those here illegally than on politicians and policies that offer services to the immigrants. In the absence of federal action to secure the country's borders, "we're attacking the [state] politicians for violating federal immigration laws," McDonough said. He cited as a prime example a Democratic-sponsored measure to award in-state college tuition to children of illegal immigrants, which enjoyed broad support in the House last year but stalled in the Senate."


Blocs Form on Both Sides of Immigration Fight

Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, January 30, 2008; Page B06

Maryland lawmakers on both sides of the potent immigration issue are forming new coalitions to push their agendas, emboldened by Gov. Martin O'Malley's rejection this month of the state's long-standing policy allowing undocumented immigrants to drive...

New Americans Caucus. The members, who represent some of the most diverse parts of Montgomery and Prince George's counties, say they are determined to push back against a national anti-immigration mood they see seeping into the legislature...

...a "citizens' rights" movement that McDonough said will focus less on those here illegally than on politicians and policies that offer services to the immigrants. In the absence of federal action to secure the country's borders, "we're attacking the [state] politicians for violating federal immigration laws,"..

The Republican bills have little chance of passage because the GOP has so few assembly members...

At the center of the debate is O'Malley, who two weeks ago rejected a recommendation from his top transportation officials to comply with a federal security law by devising two tiers of driver's licenses. One would have maintained driving privileges for undocumented immigrants, who can get licenses now...

for complete WP article click the title of this post

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