Saturday, March 1, 2008

So you want to caucus in Texas?

You definitely have a challenge ahead of you - If you are good at detailed (and confusing) instructions you may get it right - good luck.

Texas made it extremely difficult for voters to get involved in the primary caucus - As mentioned before in post "More on the Texas Two Step (March 4 Primary)" February 26, 2008.

It looks like this system that was put in place by :

"the national party elite [who]crafted the superdelegate rules in 1980 to wrest some control over the nomination process from the unpredictable masses." (Texas Observer, February 22, 2008)

Well now the "Texas Masses" are certainly taking a hit - this 28 year old policy has confused the Texas electorate enough that even those with the highest IQ's are having trouble understanding what to do if they want to attend the caucus. One place to look if you want to try and figure this out is the Burnt Orange Report:

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