Thursday, April 17, 2008

ABC committed Seppuku last night

Someone at ABC must not like Obama - and wanted to make sure that every minute negative about his personality and performance in the campaign would be not only capitalized, but also enlarged.

The performance of Stephanopoulos and Gibson was so outrageous that Gibson was booed at the end of the debate.

Why would this happen, when these two men are usually competent journalists?

here are a few possibilities

1. A high level administrator at ABC wants to make sure that Hillary gets the nomination.

2. Another high level administrator at ABC doesn't want an African American to be president.

3. Dick Cheney threatened to have Charlie and George knocked off if they didn't blast Obama.

4. CNN or Fox paid them money to do it.

5. Charles Gibson is really Mel Gibson and has watched too many of his own movies.

5. Millions of television viewers were hallucinating - it didn't really happen.


The ABC Debate: A Shameful Night for the U.S. Media
George Mitchell
Huffington Post
April 16, 2008

In perhaps the most embarrassing performance by the media in a major presidential debate in years, ABC News hosts Charles Gibson and George Stephanopoulos focused mainly on trivial issues as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama faced off in Philadelphia. They, and their network, should hang their collective heads in shame.

Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the health care and mortgage crises, the overall state of the economy and dozens of other pressing issues had to wait for their few moments in the sun as Obama was pressed to explain his recent "bitter" gaffe and relationship with Rev. Wright (seemingly a dead issue) and not wearing a flag pin -- while Clinton had to answer again for her Bosnia trip exaggerations.

Then it was back to Obama to defend his slim association with a former '60s radical -- a question that came out of right-wing talk radio and Sean Hannity on TV, but was delivered by former Bill Clinton aide Stephanopoulos. This approach led to a claim that Clinton's husband pardoned two other '60s radicals. And so on. The travesty continued.

More time was spent on all of this than segments on getting out of Iraq and keeping people from losing their homes and -- you name it. Gibson only got excited complaining that someone might raise his capital gains tax. Yet neither candidate had the courage to ask the moderators to turn to those far more important issues. Talking heads on other networks followed up by not pressing that point either. The crowd booed Gibson near the end. Why didn't every other responsible journalist on TV?

To top it off, here is David Brooks' review at the New York Times: "I thought the questions were excellent." He gives ABC an "A." Of course, "A" can stand for many things.

detail of cartoon:

1 comment:

  1. These concerns should have been raised months ago. Why wasn't there a complaint post when Hillary was being treated like this in every other debate? I know Hillary can handle it, but I don't know if Barack can (his performance at the debate wasn't very good). Is Barack tough enough to fight the GOP over DREAM.


