Thursday, April 3, 2008

It is Important to Continue to Clarify what the DREAM Act is

I find it very important to clarify time and time again what the DREAM Act is. Many people react to the bill without knowing its requirements and clauses.


Students organize event to support DREAM Act
By Allison Brown
Dawgnet Staff Writer
Wednesday, April 2, 2008, 16:55 EST

A representative from Sen. Lugar’s office and a Butler student asked for support for a recent piece of legislation that would enable illegal minors to receive a college education in the event “Education for a Better Nation: A World without Borders,” last Thursday.

The event was organized by Butler junior Maggie Saez and sophomore Jennifer Liu for their "Introduction to Peace Studies" class. The event took place in Gallahue Hall.

“Education is an indispensable tool in today’s society, but not everyone has access to it,” Liu said in her introduction.

Butler sophomore and Latinos Unidos vice president Josie Villanueva said that 65,000 students per year are not allowed to receive an education because they were brought illegally to the United States as children.

“We cannot look at these figures and see that there is not an extreme call for some sort of change to be enacted,” Villanueva said. “After all, most of these people were brought to this country to do better, to approach an American dream.

"And it is from these basic needs of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that we should allow the 65,000 students to be able to receive an education."

The DREAM Act, which stands for "The Development, Relief and Education of Alien Minors," is a bipartisan bill that was introduced in October 2007. It is sponsored by Sens. Richard Durbin, Chuck Hagel and Richard Lugar, said Celina Weatherwax, a representative from Lugar’s office and the Hispanic Outreach coordinator for Indiana.

It will give alien minors the chance to receive an education based on certain requirements:

• Must have entered the United States before the age of 16

• Must have lived in the United States for at least five consecutive years.

• Must demonstrate strong moral character

Students who meet these requirements are granted a five year conditional residency. During that time, they are required to complete one of three options:

• Technical school or university

• Two years of service in the armed forces

• 900 hours of community service


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