My husband surprised me yesterday by showing me an article from Common Dreams saying that when the Clinton's were having marital problems during the Lewinski affair - they were given marriage counseling by Jeremiah Wright.
I wonder why this bit of history that has not been brought up, now that Obama has needed to dust Wright off his shoulder - This is one more reminder of how politics is a dirty game.
How far will the candidates go today? Will they beat each other emotionally? Will they bring up more mis-information (lies?) -
It is fascinating to watch their double speak- I was hoping that Obama was above this, in fact I think that was mentioned recently. Yet, if he wants that much power (as Hillary) then he is already sucked into the system. I assume it must be difficult if not impossible to hold on to one's ethics or real personality when running for president.
The same can be said of McCain -- what is this about McCain saying (multiple times) Al Queda being around again - and then having Lieberman whisper to him -- was it an outright lie or did McCain really believe this information was true? Either answer is disappointing.
Questions About The Pennsylvania Primary
By Dan Balz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, April 22, 2008; A04
What will it take to be declared the winner in Pennsylvania today?
1. Conventional wisdom has taken such a beating in this campaign that setting expectations for today's primary continues to confound the experts...
2. Many Democrats argue that, when compared with where they stood at the start of the nomination battle in early 2007, Obama and Clinton have become stronger and more effective candidates...
What is Obama's biggest general-election vulnerability?
3. Controversies over the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., Obama's comments about why small-town Americans are "bitter" and "cling" to religion and guns, and the candidate's liberal policy views have created a mixture that gives Republicans hope that they can portray Obama as out of touch with heartland America...
Has Bill Clinton helped or hurt his wife's candidacy?
4. As one strategist put it, if Clinton were just an extremely bright senator from New York whose husband had not been president, she probably wouldn't even be in the race -- and certainly would not have started out as the prohibitive front-runner. He helped with fundraising, with providing a political network and with giving his wife the experience of operating in the White House for eight years...
What is the most important remaining contest after Pennsylvania?
5. Indiana. It is the place where Obama, almost regardless of what happens today in Pennsylvania, could bring the long Democratic contest to a close...
Will Democratic superdelegates coalesce, or could this go to the convention?
6. Republican Ben Ginsberg wrote: "The superdelegates I know (and for some reason they seem unburdened talking to a Republican) want a way out. So they're looking for a win by either that's enough to give them cover..."
Could there still be a Democratic dream ticket?
7. When Clinton first started talking publicly about this, she was seen as audacious -- a trailing candidate suggesting that the front-runner take the vice presidential nomination. Now there are some Democrats who now believe Clinton may be open to the possibility of running on a ticket as Obama's vice presidential nominee...
Has John McCain used this period effectively to get ready for the general election?
8. McCain has had the general- election field largely to himself the past month. He has effectively consolidated the party establishment and tamped down talk that the base doesn't like him (although he may not have solved that problem)...
for complete WP article click here
"they were given marriage counseling by Jeremiah Wright."
ReplyDeleteHave you fact checked this?
Happy 1st Birthday, you big fat lie!