Monday, April 14, 2008

No, It is Not Your Federal Money- CA DREAMers Fighting for Aid

While many of us Texas DREAMers are very familiar with the issue of state aid given to us and the struggle... i mean, the STRUGGLE it has been to keep it, it is only two states in the nation that allow this: Texas and Oklahoma. California has been fighting for a while now to become the third state.

No people, we DREAMers DO NOT, I mean, do not get FEDERAL AID. Read the following fidings as they shed more light on the issue.

In the meantime, i can understand the big struggle that many DREAMers and supporters are going through in CA. Just to make it through a class or two with out of pocket money is just so difficult especially when it is "forbidden" to work without documentation.

On a last note, i always find myself reading the comments at the end of the articles.... this article was no exception and it just made me say BLAH! These people are just from another planet- how can they be so hateful?

How useless it is i thought to reply to the hatemongering population. On the other hand, i cant stop thinking of something that Marjane Satrapi said this weekend in a talk about her work.... she said:

I believe that culture and education can make us a little bit less stupid


Legislators revisit immigration bill for students
By Susan Ferriss -

Published 12:00 am PDT Monday, April 14, 2008
Story appeared in MAIN NEWS section, Page A4

State legislators are trying for a third time to pass a version of the California DREAM Act, which would open limited college financial aid to some of the estimated 25,000 undocumented students who graduate each year from California high schools.

Two identical bills are under scrutiny in committees in the Senate and Assembly, sponsored by Sen. Gil Cedillo, D-Los Angeles, and Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez, also a Democrat from Los Angeles.

The latest version of the California Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act would make undocumented students eligible for scholarships and grants offered by California's community colleges, state universities and campuses in the University of California system. It does not include the competitive Cal Grants....(more)

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