Friday, April 18, 2008

When you Call out My Parents you are Also Calling me Out

Today i came across another pro-DREAM article that outlines the dilemma very well. The opinion columnists are two graduate students at UT and i thank them for their support and passion on this issue. They did a great job in showing the readers the tough spot in which we are in.

However, i have to say something. I am not just calling them out, but i am going to make an effort to make a point on the issue of blaming our whole situation on our parents.

I understand the psychology of placing the blame on conscious adults when making the decision for us- the babies and children with no voice at the time for coming to this country. It works really, i have seen it work more than several times. I also understand that in-state tuition in Texas for immigrant students could not have been passed if the blame card on our parents had not been negotiated among legistalors, lawmakers, and during the many behind the door meetings.

Yes, all this i can understand. The thing is that, well... something inside of me kinda burns everytime i hear a fellow DREAMer subtly blaming the parents, or read an article that solely focuses on this point, another study that plays around with this argument, another testimonial that uses this blame game.

Can't we use other arguments to make anti-immigrant legislators understand the dilemma in which we are on? We know that when we talk to typical Americans they understand most of the time what is going on. That time when we sit down and have a candid conversation and explain what is going on... they get it (not all the time, but 80% of the time its been my personal case) but i like to stay away from blaming my parents.

When you all call out my parents, you are also calling me out. This is my very personal opinion, and i have a huge problem with this, i am thankful everyday to my parents. There exists no doubt in my mind that my parents as well as your parents made a very difficult decision and they were very much aware of the consequences, but they took a risk and here we are. It may not be exactly the plan they had for us, but they knew that we would be in a better place... and aren't we?

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