Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Americans are the customers of the Drug Cartels

An Australian study finds that Americans have the highest drug use rate in the world. 16.2 % have used cocaine at least once and 42.4% have used marijuana. The study used data provided by the World Health Organization.

What does this mean to the highly publicized Mexican Drug War? Republican lawmakers are constantly saying that the drug war will spill over into American territory - and use this as an excuse for tightening up the border.

With the information provided by this study, could we rightfully say that American drug users are collaborators in this conflict? After all, for the drug cartels to continue doing business, they need customers. I am not saying that the drug cartels activities are moral. What is of concern is that American drug users are relieved of any responsibility in this arrangement.

Why are American drug users (since there are so many) not included in this lowly equation?


Los estadunidenses son los mayores consumidores de drogas del mundo: estudio

La Jornada - Mexico

El 16.2 por ciento de ellos probó la cocaína al menos una vez, mientras que el 42.4 por ciento lo hizo con cannabis.

Publicado: 01/07/2008 18:02

Washington. Los estadunidenses son el mayor consumidor de cannabis y cocaína del mundo a pesar de tener una legislación represiva, según un estudio llevado a cabo en 17 países que fue publicado el lunes en PLoS Medicine, una revista científica en línea.

Según este análisis, dirigido por investigadores de la Universidad de New South Wales (Sydney, Australia), el 16.2 por ciento de los estadunidenses probó la cocaína al menos una vez, mientras que el 42.4 por ciento probó cannabis.

Este estudio se basa en datos de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS)...

for link to complete Jornada article click here

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