Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Camayd-Freixas Essay - Please Distribute

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Camayd-Freixas' complete essay can be accessed at Sanctuary Soapbox

For those interested in protecting the civil liberties of undocumented immigrants it is extremely important to circulate the Camayd-Freixas essay to the widest audience possible.  The public relations campaigns by the Republican Party and other nativist groups have lead to the spread of gross misinformation (to say crudely - lies) about immigrants and their effect on American life.

The U.S. has shown its ambivalence when proposed immigration reform has come before the Congress - the pandering of many lawmakers has been outrageous (not just the Republicans).  The organized forces of nativist groups have overwhelmed the legislative process and drowned out the opposition.  Most Senators and Congressmen (and Congresswomen)  have waffled in their sympathy, empathy, and support for the DREAM ACT and other bills that will help solve our immigration policy issues - as shown when not enough Democrats showed up to vote on the DREAM ACT in October 2007.

The philosopher-historian Michel de Certeau wrote that major social change occurs when your general populace/consumers/citizens -  join together for a major cause - Our Senators and Representatives are not going to change this situation - the American populace will have to create the change.  An important tool for this is the eye-witness account of Harvard trained, Dr. Camayd-Freixas' that dramatically narrates the atrocities related to the Postville ICE Raid.

see dreamacttexas posts Countering Misinformation I and  Countering Misinformation II, both from June 27, 2008

1 comment:

  1. Many institutions limit access to their online information. Making this information available will be an asset to all.
