Monday, July 14, 2008

Obama and South America

McCain, in a politician's usual way (these days) of criticizing his opponent, suggested that Obama has not traveled enough and should go to South America.  First I have to say mention George W. Bush had NEVER been to Europe before he was U.S. President and that seemed to be ok with everybody (especially the Supreme Court) in 2000.

This time McCain is right - although his recommendation could ultimately hurt his campaign.  There are lots of people (at least in Argentina) that really dislike Obama - there is a story going around that Obama would only favor Black people and that he doesn't like South Americans.  Maybe it's time for the Obama campaign to do a little research below the Equator.

There is a huge amount of communication between the people of Argentina (and Brazil, and Chile, and Peru) and the United States, especially now with the internet.  This is mostly through immigration, but it is also through business connections.  So don't think what another country says about the candidate won't matter -  it could be just the opposite.  Americans who hear the political opinions of other countries might take those more seriously - since there is/has been a consensus that the U.S. media gets it all wrong (look at Iraq and the phantasmic WMDs) - 

July 14, 2008
McCain Says Obama Should Visit South America

New York Times
Filed at 6:01 a.m. ET

PHOENIX (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate John McCain, who has hectored Democratic rival Barack Obama to visit Iraq, now says Obama should go to South America as well.

McCain, an Arizona senator, is to make the case in a speech on Monday in San Diego to the National Council of La Raza, one of the most important advocacy groups in the United States for Hispanic Americans...

"And while it is surely not my intention to become my opponent's scheduler, I hope Sen. Obama soon visits some of the other countries of the Americas for the first time," McCain is to say, according to excerpts released by his campaign. "Were he to do so, I think he, too, would see that stronger economic bonds with our neighbors and the closer friendships they encourage, are a great benefit in many ways to our country..."

(Editing by Bill Trott)

(To read more about the U.S. political campaign, visit Reuters "Tales from the Trail: 2008" online at

for link to complete Reuters/NYT article click here

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