Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were paid $14,000,000 for a photo-op with their new babies. Normally I would say, "how awful" -- but with these guys, I feel safe knowing that they won't use it to buy another mansion. The money will go to the Jolie-Pitt Foundation, which has already given millions to different philanthropic causes around the world.
It may just be a really good public relations opportunity for Pitt and Jolie, but who cares. It is doing some good.
People often think that only the very rich can give money away for good causes. Besides fundamentalist Christians who gladly give their 10% or more, many people feel they can't do much*... You don't have to go to the Red Cross to give money. Do you know a DREAMer somewhere that is in school? You can bet that DREAMer could use you helping them buy their books (or even one book!), or pay a part of their tuition?
With our economy sputtering, we could all say this isn't possible. True, if you are losing your house it is not a good option. But if you are driving an SUV, have cell phones for the whole family, cable and internet, you can probably spare some change to buy a few books for a DREAMer college student.
*I have one complaint about church giving, the philanthropic record of Lakeview Church in Houston is abysmal. For all the hard earned money Houston's working people give to that place, all the money they make with their TV services, and big checks Osteen gets from his publisher, you would think they could solve lots of Houston's problems. I wonder where the money is going?
So Brangelina finally cashed in on their gossip empire... smart move