Thursday, September 25, 2008

Missing Persons - Post Ike

This list was posted on September 23.  It is from Galveston resident, the fabulously40 blogger It is no longer accurate.

As many of you may know, I was born in Galveston, and raised there with much family, I am a decendent of 1900 storm victims and Im missing loved ones and family. Please read this and pray for us. My uncle is missing and a cousin and many friends.

Hurricane Ike:

The Missing Have Names; Ike Is Missing From The Mainstream Media
Posted By Erin On September 23, 2008 (5:15 pm) In Uncategorized

No newsflash for the hundreds of thousands of people that Hurricane Ike victimized, but Hurricane Ike is virtually gone from mainstream media coverage. It has been replaced by the huge bailout of our entire financial system. Snarkfood promised to continue to follow the story- and today we are listing the names of the people we’ve been able to determine are missing. These names come directly from those who are desperately searching for them. It is by NO means a complete list.

The mainstream media’s refusal to even report a ballpark number of those who are missing is shameful, and high-visibility (celebrity) attention to the problem is ZERO. In defense of the celebrities, they, along with the rest of America are not being told the story.

So we will. Here are the names of some of our American brothers and sisters who’ve been missing since Hurricane Ike hit.

The following have been listed as missing or otherwise unaccounted for by their family members on the ABC 13 (Houston area) Hurricane Ike Missing Persons Locater, and the KHOU forums. Screw the media blackout.

Watch the video. Read the list. Give if you can.

Bolivar Peninsula
Including Port Bolivar, Crystal Beach, Caplen, Gilchrist, High Island

Alex (no last name given)
Allen, Charles
Amo (Flores?)
Anderson, Bobby (survived, but friend perished)
Arrambide, Marrion
Bagwell, Blaine and mother Ginger
Baker, Rachel
Ball, Danny
Ball, Kristian
Beasley, James
Billy the Kid (across from Sharkey’s)
Bingham, Harry
Bingham, Susan
Bouse, Bobby
Bouse, Charlie and family
Bouse, Dixie and family
Brad (no last name given)
Branstetter, Kent
Brookshire, Rose
Bugler, Harry
Bugler, Susan
Butterfield, L.C.
Butterfield, Sandy
Byrum, Barbara
Byrum, Gardner
Callender, Deena
Campbell, Michael
Cannon, Colin
Cannon, Michelle
Carol (Crystal Canals Bait Camp)
Carol (Tuna St.)
Carr, Frank
Carrington, Lee
Cecil and Tommy (High Island)
Chapman, Larry
Chapman, Suzy
Cheryl (the nurse)
Cloud, Michael
Comeaux, Joe
Comeaux, Sylvia
Comeaux (other family members?)
Cook, Lee
Cook, Sandy
Cottrell, Shirley
Cranford, Kim
Cranford, Treton
Dean, Anne
Donaldson, Mary
Droege, Carolyn
Droege, Dick
Dud (at Decoux’s)
Dunn, Glennis
Ettenger, Gail
Felty, Veronica
Fisher, Walter
Floyd (Garza’s Grocery)
Fortenberry, David
Fortenberry, Sandy
Gatlin, Chris
Gatlin, Karen
Glen (Red)
Gloria (Cottage by the Sea)
Grebb, Robert
Grissom, Richard
Grissom, Stephanie
Haigh, Jack
Hamilton, Earl
Hamilton, Shirley
Hardcastle, Lynnette
Harris, Terry
Haworth, Susan
Hayes, Cheryl
Hayes, Richard
Hill, George
Hill, Martin
Holmes, Don
Howard, Greb
Howard, John
Howard, Lois
Jock, Jessica and family
Johnson, Lynette
Johnson, Sue
Jones, Daisy
Jones, Dewy
Jones, Jack
Kahla, Mary and family
Kelly, Linda
Kelly, Richard
King, Darryl
King, Robert
King, Sandy
Knight, Beverly and husband
Kreuzer Family
Lavalle, Ellie
Ledhe, Don
Lee, Judy
Lee, Robert and Gail and Gina
Lisa (18th and Galveston)
Lopez, Jim
Manley, Jerry
Marchese, Carol
Marcia (message therapist)
Mardis, Carol
Mardis, Darryl
Martin, Buster
Martinez, Cindy
Maxwell, Edith
McGready, Jean
McGready, Tom
McKnight, JC
McKnight, Lori
McManus, Barbara
McManus, James
Micak Family
Mobley, Zenith
Moore, Steve and family
Moseley, Herman
Mouton, Darby
Mouton, Sis
Myers, Marta
Myers, Ralph
Neis, Adam
Nguyen, Father (St. Theresa’s)
Ochoa, Phil
Pilsner, E.A. and family
Pond, James
Rankin, Beth
Reed, Bill
Reedy, Bill
Reedy, Jeannie
Rodriguez Family
Rodriguez, Greg
Ron and wife Dorothy (Melody Lane)
Rogers, Larry
Rogers, Mary
Rush, Harly
Rush, Kathy
Russell, Gene
Schley, Barbara
Schley, Claud
Schmidt, Dee
Schmidt, Matt
Segura Family
Shaw, Barry
Shaw, Feather
Shinker, Andy
Shook, Jerry
Silcox, Andie
Simpton, Joyce
Skidmore, Ellen
Smith, Beth
Steppe, Francine
Steve (friend of David Pickett)
Stines, Kahla and family and friends
Stockton, David
Stockton, Patty
Strahan, Alecia
Strickland, Magdelena
Tiki Man Kevin
Tom and Daniela (no last name given)

Tovar, Mario and family
Tovar, Omar
Turner, Karon
Turner, Willis
Vance, Paul
Vidrine, Carol and family
Vidrine, PJ and family
Vrana, Ray
Walker, Phyllis
Walker, Sandra
Walker, Sonny
Walton, Sandie
Wanda (Crystal Canal RV Park)
Ward, Terri and family
Werner, Donna and Lauren
Werner, Ed
Wesley (Crystal Beach Rd.)
White, Billy
Will (on Yuca)
Williams, Bruce
Williams, Carol
Williams, Shane
Wisenbaker, Mikey and family
Wisenbaker, Mycol and

Galveston County / Galveston Island

Allen, A.J.
Allen, Betty
Allen, Carolyn
Allen, Jackie
Allen, Regina
Allmond, Donna
Banks, Leon Jr.
Bartram, Gracie
Bartram, Kevin
Bartram, Peggy
Beynice, Rosalyn
Boyd, Keith and family
Bradley, Bobby
Brock, Margo
Brown, Maine
Brown, Nana
Brown, Russel
Brown, Trixie
Bustamante, Richard and family
Campos, Lalo
Campos, Rita
Carrera, Juan
Chambers, Doreece
Coker, Sonya
Cole, Natalie and daughters
Collindrina, Penny
Cowan, Paula
Cox, Harold
Crabb, Sammie
DaPra, Johnny
Doyle, Patrick
Dubious, Chester
Dubious, Shirley
Ferguson, Mae Joyce
Ferguson, Wendell
Ficklen, Bill
Ficklen, Crystal
Ficklen, Delaine
Ficklen, Gail
Ficklen, James
Ficklen, Kim
Ficklen, Linda
Ficklen, Maverick
Ficklen, Willie
Gallagher, Joe
Grace (aunt of Lynn Robinson)
Graham, Ward
Hannon, Matt
Heinrich, Paul and family
Holmes, Agnes
Horn, Francis
Howlett, Bruce
Howlett, Tammy
Jamison, Ed
Johnson, Nell
Kuehne, Ashley
Lane, Jack
Lane, Tonka
Manago, Shawna and kids
Marsh, Jessica
Marsh, Steve
Melasome, Willie Mae
Moore, Ray Jr.
Nebout, Jim
Nebout, Phyllis
Nolan, Jim
Pembleton, Greg
Pollard, Earl
Pope, Dwayne
Powell, Marie
Rasmussen, A.J.
Ruiz, Ernan and children
Russo, Candy
Salazar, Jesus
Salmassi, Alex
Schultz, Susan (not her, but her aunt)
Shaffer, Richard
Smythe, Ed
Smythe, Marlo
Stewart, Thelma and friends Tina and Peanut
Swindell, Henry
Swindell, Robbie
Thomas, Kenneth (deceased)
Thomas, William
Toale, Tim
Trapani, Eddie
Trapani, Ray
Webber, Brigette
Webber, Tommy
Webster Family
Weedman, Joe
Wilson, George
Woodard, Marie
York, Robert
Zeon, Denise
Zeon, Zae

Chambers County
Cormier, Cecil
Cormier, Sam
Fleischman, Joyce
Fleischman, Morris
Hacker, Annette
Hacker, Chad
Scrivner, Earl
Scrivner, Judy


  1. Garry tomberlin is my son, and is alive and well in Beaumont Texas

  2. Thanks for letting us know. We'll take his name off this list.

  3. Hello My Fellow Hurricane-stricken brothers and sisters. I am a resident of Alexandria, Louisiana. We got hit severly by Gustav. We were without power and when the power and cable was restored, there was NO COVERAGE at all about Gustav. We still don't completely know what all happened due to the MEDIA BLACKOUT of Gustav. All they talked about then was here comes IKE. Then after Ike, another MEDIA BLACKOUT. I feel for you all. I know first hand how hard it is on everyone getting prepared, going through it, then the recovery. I am inland far enough that it's not nearly as severe as Gaveston. I just wanted you to know that there are many people in my area praying for all of you and your families. God bless and I hope you all find your missing loved ones. All our love from Louisiana. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you all.

    Ms. T

  4. I spoke to Ed Werner today of Pt Bolivar(10-3-08)
    He evacuated for the storm and he and his family are ok.
    Chris Oliphant

  5. Van Vurren Hans 71 Galveston 316. i thought everyone I had come to be friends with on the island over the five years I was a resident had escaped harm and hopefully all of the m have including Hans. I have no idea what's been happening down. I pray he was simply trapped in a dry, comfy place with a big doob. Hang in there Susan.

  6. When was this list last updated? Thanks

  7. check the link Missing Persons-Houston Chronicle. I believe that one is the most recent. It is located on the right column

  8. My husband and I are Judy & Earl Scrivner, who are listed as missing in Chambers county. We live in Orange county are not missing. Don't believe there would be another couple by the same names.
