Monday, September 1, 2008

Pro-Lifers will love Palin for not pushing an abortion on her daughter, but "this is not funny anymore"

Amidst all the chaos regarding Governor Palin's daughter pregnancy, there might be a ray of sunshine for pro-lifers... they might be happy to have a VP that didn't force her child to have an abortion.

I must say however, it takes a pretty heartless Mom to enter a grueling political campaign that encourages attack and insult while her 17 year old daughter is in such a state.

Bristol is the one that needs empathy these days. No adolescent should have to go through a pregnancy while the country is looking at her with a thick pair of moral eyeglasses. Her mother should have known better.

p.s. I tried to find a photo of a pregnant Sarah Palin (not Bristol) and couldn't find one on the net.

 See Would You Do That to Your Daughter? from Washington Post

GOP Deals with the Storm and the Stork
By Dana Milbank
Tuesday, September 2, 2008; A18

ST. PAUL, Minn., Sept. 1 ... Scores of them [reporters] surrounded Steve Schmidt, McCain's senior adviser, as he walked through the media area outside the convention hall.

"Was it good judgment to select Sarah Palin, given her daughter's situation? . . . Why didn't you just say it, Steve, at the time when you picked her? . . . Did this question of how she will handle and balance her own personal responsibilities with the responsibilities of running the country come up?"

Schmidt sparred, parried and fled. "I've got to run," he told the mob. "Not like this isn't fun."

And the storm surge was just beginning. As the waves of Hurricane Bristol crashed over the arena, another tropical depression was forming on the Christian Broadcasting Network, which reported that Palin's husband, Todd, was charged with drunken driving two decades ago. Meteorologists were also watching the rotation on Tropical Storm Trooper -- the flap over the attempt to fire an Alaska officer who is divorced from Palin's sister.

To Democrats, this all added evidence to their thesis that the Republicans are suffering divine retribution. On Friday night, filmmaker Michael Moore told MSNBC that "Gustav is proof that there is a God in heaven." Former Democratic National Committee chairman Don Fowler had also said that Gustav "just demonstrates that God is on our side." He apologized.

Then again, in sending the deluge to the Gulf Coast, God may have merely misunderstood the request of Republicans, who had sought meteorological interference of their own. A group associated with Focus on the Family's James Dobson had posted a video asking people to pray for "rain of biblical proportions" to wash out Democrat Barack Obama's open-air speech in Denver last week.

Republicans have a history of such practices. The late Rev. Jerry Falwell blamed 9/11 on "the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays." The Rev. John Hagee said Hurricane Katrina was "the judgment of God against the city of New Orleans." And the Rev. Pat Robertson threatened Orlando with "earthquakes, tornadoes and possibly a meteor" for displaying gay-pride flags.

McCain, however, sought the help of a less vengeful God when he said, as Gustav approached, that "we pray to God that it will spare" Gulf Coast residents. As for the convention, he said, "some of that is frankly in the hands of God."
..Off the floor, the talk was all about the day's man-made storm, Hurricane Bristol -- or, as some were unkindly calling Palin's daughter, the Juno of Juneau.

As the news spread across the arena, the Republicans canceled their daily news briefing. Spokesman Tucker Bounds, in a laudable bit of spin, explained how Palin now "may be the most qualified expert on any campaign on family issues."

Schmidt, ambushed as he strolled through the media area, got progressively angrier as the mob around him grew. Sheryl Gay Stolberg of the New York Times asked about the feasibility of Palin being a vice president with "a new baby herself, and now she's about to be a new grandmother trying to support a daughter giving birth to her own child."

Schmidt replied: "Frankly, I can't imagine that question being asked of a man. A lot of women will find it offensive."

Jackie Calmes, also of the Times, asked Schmidt whether he worried about "turning off some of the women you wanted to appeal to who will question the judgment of Senator McCain and Governor Palin that they would subject a 17-year-old's pregnancy out of wedlock to international attention?"

"They have asked for privacy," said Schmidt, whose colleagues had just sent out the press release announcing the pregnancy.

a few comments from the Wall Street Journal article on the Palins.

Comment by DANNY - September 1, 2008 at 1:09 pm

Why is this relevant? Because this woman wants to push her pro-life, anti-contraception, abstinence only policies on the rest of us.
Comment by JAG - September 1, 2008 at 1:11 pm

this is good. It shows family values. Of course having an R next to her name helps!
Comment by sean Hannity - September 1, 2008 at 1:13 pm

Straight forward; no denailes, no recriminations abd, afterall, it is their own personal family afair of which we should not make ourselves a part of.
Comment by Anonymous - September 1, 2008 at 1:14 pm

Should Levi be arrested for having sex with underaged?
Comment by post - September 1, 2008 at 1:16 pm

This campaign will go down as the weirdest EVER in political history…as if politics wasn’t weird enough…
Comment by anonymous - September 1, 2008 at 1:16 pm

Bristol is pregnant at seventeen? What does Levi do?
When did mom and dad Palin know?
Why did they not tell McCain?
Was Sarah too busy being a “governor” to speak to her daughter and teach her something about the birds and the bees?
This is not about the girl, is about the hypocrisy of the mother.
Her irresponsibility with her children shows she is not fully qualified to be a parent.
But people think she is qualified to be the Vice President for a dying old man?
This is not funny anymore
Comment by Not funny anymore. - September 1, 2008 at 1:16 pm

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