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Friday, October 17, 2008
A Nasty Movie: Obsession
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October 17, 2008
Democracy Now
“Smearcasting: How Islamophobes Spread Fear, Bigotry and Misinformation”
In the last few weeks, 28 million copies of a DVD titled “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West” have been distributed in key battleground states. The film features graphic, violent images and makes comparisons of Islam to Nazism.The DVD comes amidst concerns of increasing levels of ethnic and religious bias in US politics and the stoking of Islamophobia. We speak to Ibrahim Cooper of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, and Isabel Macdonald of Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting, co-author of the new report “Smearcasting: How Islamophobes Spread Fear, Bigotry and Misinformation.”
John McCain has been widely praised for correcting a supporter at a campaign rally last week in Minnesota.
John McCain, questioned at Minnesota campaign rally.
McCain’s was correct in telling the woman that Obama was not an Arab, but his response explicitly suggested that being called an Arab was itself a smear. The incident has raised concerns about increasing levels of ethnic and religious bias in US politics and the stoking of Islamophobia. In the last few weeks, 28 million copies of a DVD titled “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West” have been distributed as an advertising supplement in newspapers in key battleground states. It was paid for by the Clarion Fund, a nonprofit group established by the film’s Israeli producer with the goal of exposing what it calls the threat of radical Islam. The hour-long film features graphic, violent images and makes comparisons of Islam to Nazism.
Excerpt of “Obsession.”
The Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, has filed complaints with the IRS and Federal Elections Commission, saying Clarion has violated its tax-exempt status by distributing the film.
Ibrahim Hooper is the National Communications Director for CAIR. He joins us from Washington DC. And joining us here in New York is Isabel Macdonald, she is the communications director at Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting, and the co-author of the new report “Smearcasting: How Islamophobes Spread Fear, Bigotry and Misinformation.”
Isabel Macdonald, communications director at FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting), and the co-author of FAIR’s new report “Smearcasting: How Islamophobes Spread Fear, Bigotry and Misinformation.”
Ibrahim Hooper, National Communications Director for the Council on American-Islamic relations.
So anyone that makes a film attacking RADICAL Islams is, then, a "Islamophobe?" Really? This movie is incredibly even-handed, doesn't even attempt to castigate the entire Muslim faith as terrorists - I wouldn't have seen it if it had - and covers a strikingly critical issue. And the comparisons to Nazism? 100 valid.