Monday, November 24, 2008

I - Obama and Immigration

Things have already changed. You see Obama during a press conference and you know we have entered another era. We will have a real President again. Maybe Noam Chomsky thinks its all a public relations ploy - and perhaps it is. But having Obama know how to act like a President makes us feel better- at the least.

Below is an article from the Washington Post - the writer, Edward Alden saying that the U.S. is remarkably closed-minded when it comes to immigration.  I would say its more like the U.S. decided to enter an archery contest blind-folded.  Can you imagine who you would injure if you shot arrows with your eyes covered?  

Closed-Minded on the Border

By Edward Alden
Washington Post
Sunday, November 23, 2008; B01

The day after the Nov. 4 presidential election, I was chatting with a young immigrant from Sudan as I waited to do a radio interview. He was gushing over the election results. "Can you imagine when he puts his hand on the Bible and says, 'I, Barack Hussein Obama'?" he said, putting the emphasis on the middle name. "It is amazing."

For many in America's immigrant communities, the election of the son of a Kenyan father and an American mother represents not so much a healing of America's racial wounds as a chance to bridge the divide that has opened between the United States and the rest of the world in the past eight years. Of the many mistakes we made in the reaction to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, one of the most damaging was slamming the door on our friends in an ill-considered effort to keep our enemies out.

Instead of continuing to embrace the massive flow of talent, energy and initiative that the rest of the world has long offered the United States, we launched an expensive, futile experiment to see whether we could seal our borders against the ills of the world, from terrorists to drugs to illegal migrants. This effort has betrayed both our ideals and our interests. Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano, a skilled hand at handling border issues who is widely believed to be Obama's choice for secretary of homeland security, has a rare opportunity to get immigration policy back on track -- to improve our security without sacrificing our openness...con't

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