Sunday, November 2, 2008

On Obama and His 'ILLEGAL' Aunt

While many are paying delicate attention to the polls and the presidential elections, others are trying its hardest to bash the presidential candidates.

Obama's aunt according to this article, is living in the United States 'illegally.' I'd like to think of it this way: she just overstayed her visa a little longer just like many of us have.

Obama's half aunt, who is from Kenya, was ordered to leave the United States years ago after an immigration judge denied her request for asylum, a person familiar with the matter told The Associated Press late Friday. This person spoke on condition of anonymity because no one was authorized to discuss the case.

The woman, Zeituni Onyango (zay-TUHN on-YANG-oh), is living in public housing in Boston and is the half-sister of Obama's late father.

The Immigration and Customs Enforcement asked its inspector general and the Office of Professional Responsibility on Saturday to investigate whether any policies were violated when information about Onyango's case was publicly disclosed, ICE spokeswoman Kelly Nantel said. The Homeland Security Department, which oversees ICE, cannot disclose details about an individual's immigration status.

Information about Onyango's case was disclosed and confirmed by two separate sources, one a federal law enforcement official. The information they made available is known to officials in the federal government, but the AP could not establish whether anyone at a political level in the Bush administration or in the McCain campaign had been involved in its release, just five days before the presidential election. Obama's campaign strategist David Axelrod said people are suspicious about stories that surface so close to an election.

Obama said Saturday he did not know his aunt was living in the United States illegally and believes that laws covering the situation should be followed.

What scares me on this article is Obama'a reaction and indifference to her family member. Yes i understand, political tactics and formalities, but if this is his family that they are talking about here, what hope do we, DREAMers have?

On another note, i will make sure to tell all foreigners that i know and that have donated to the campaign to ask for a reimbursement from Obama's campaign since it is banned that we contribute:

The campaign said it was returning $260 that Onyango had contributed in small increments to Obama's presidential bid over several months. Federal election law prohibits foreigners from making political donations. Onyango listed her employer as the Boston Housing Authority and last gave $5 on Sept. 19.

Rest of the article

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