Friday, November 21, 2008

Who has the correct information

Today's Houston Chronicle has a couple of interesting items in an article it published on Janet Napolitano's potential nomination of director the Dept. of Homeland Security.  The Houston paper says one thing, and the NYT says something else.

Also, the Chronicle continues to find ways to be much less than objective about immigration issues.  They quote Mark Krikorian from Center for Immigration Studies without saying that group is considered extremely anti-immigrant and very entrenched in Lou Dobb's cabal of those who say all undocumented people are disease ridden.

The City of Houston is under a lot of pressure these days.  Hurricane Ike made our lives very difficult.  Focusing on mis-information or emphasizing the worst doesn't help us to get along.  The Chronicle's recent articles on crime and immigration state that immigrants are underrepresented in criminal statistics (yes its Americans that generally commit the crimes), yet the dramatic headlines of rapists and murders being somewhere lost among our population*, and that Governor Perry wants them all rounded up -  leads readers to believe that every undocumented immigrant they see might want to kill them.

Houston Chronicle, Nov. 21:
She favors border fence
Napolitano remains a strong supporter of guest worker programs and a pathway to citizenship for most of those people illegally residing in the U.S. — positions embraced by both 2008 presidential candidates.

But immigration hard-liners are likely to applaud the governor's past support for expanded fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Napolitano has called new barriers "an interim step" toward comprehensive reform. Along with Arizona Sen. John McCain, she has been a backer of the concept of a "virtual" fence in the Sonoran Desert. But she has ridiculed Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff for the technological glitches that have delayed the project, recently calling the project "virtually missing."

New York Times, Nov. 21
While Mr. Chertoff has pushed hard to comply with a Congressional mandate to build nearly 700 miles of new fencing along the United States-Mexico border by the end of the year -- even waiving some environmental laws to get it done -- Ms. Napolitano has shown little enthusiasm for the project.

If you build a 50-foot-high wall, somebody will find a 51-foot ladder, she has often said in speeches and news conferences, while criticizing the Department of Homeland Security for persistent delays in deploying a ''virtual fence'' of cameras, sensors and other technology.

*I am totally for incarcerating or deporting people who commit serious crimes, but the tone of the article implied that all undocumented people are criminals, which is clearly not true.

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