Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Another Bush rule going down the tube

The U.S. needs outside influence.  We have become too insulated.  We think we are the masters of the universe.  It will be a good thing if the ban on certain foreign scholars is rescinded.  We need some fresh ideas.
U.S. Is Urged to Lift Ban on Foreign Scholars

New York Times
Published: March 17, 2009

Tariq Ramadan, a respected Swiss academic and Muslim scholar, had a job all lined up at the University of Notre Dame in 2004, but the Bush administration prevented him from entering the country. Government officials said he had contributed to a charity believed to have connections to terrorism.

A federal judge supported the government’s position in December 2007, and an appeal will be heard next Tuesday by the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, in New York.

Now, in a move leading up to that hearing, a coalition of academic and civil liberties groups is calling on the Obama administration to break with the Bush administration’s policies on blocking visas of some foreign scholars, writers and activists.

In a letter being released Wednesday, the coalition says so-called ideological exclusion “compromises the vitality of academic and political debate in the United States at a time when that debate is exceptionally important.”
complete article

1 comment:

  1. Ideological exclusion sends the message to the world that the United States is more interested in silencing its critics than engaging them. End the policy of ideological exclusion by signing this petition:

    For more information please visit our website:
