Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Drug War-Game - U.S. and Mexico

Here is an excerpt from the State Department re: Mexico and the Drug War.  Below the State Department press release is an article from the Mexican news source, which provides more information regarding the U.S. role in the Mexican drug war.
State Department Documents and Publications

March 5, 2009

Daily Press Briefings : Daily Press Briefing - March 5


....QUESTION: This is a follow-up to the State Department report on narcotics last week. AP interviewed Mexican President Calderon, and he shot back, saying that U.S. corruption is also to blame. He said that there are U.S. officials who should be prosecuted for corruption who aren't. He also blamed the United States for not stopping the flow of weapons into Mexico. And finally, he says that there was not enough done to stop the consumption of drugs in this country. So just your reaction to his statements?

MR. DUGUID: I do believe that Ambassador Johnson was on the record speaking to many of these same issues in another context, and that the United States does recognize that we have a consumption problem and that we need to do - we need to do a lot to solve that problem or resolve that problem.

The report itself is a tool for Congress to try and address the very problems that the president may have listed, but we are working with our partners to try and solve the problem of cross-border narcotics trades, which are a problem for us all....
from Lexis-Nexis Academic

from the Spanish Languages News  -

Admite Departamento de Estado de EU tener problema con el consumo de drogas

"Estamos trabajando con nuestros socios para tratar de resolver el problema del comercio transfronterizo de narcóticos que es un problema para todos", afirma el vocero Gordon Dugnid.

Jueves, 05/03/2009 - 15:37
Agentes federales trasladan a Zetas a un hangar del Aeropuerto de la Ciudad de México. AP

Washington.-- Estados Unidos admitió hoy su problema de consumo de drogas y destacó que para resolverlo debe apoyar la lucha de otros países contra los cárteles narcotraficantes.

"Reconocemos que tenemos un problema de consumo en Estados Unidos y que tenemos que hacer algo para ayudar a nuestros colegas en otros países que tratan de combatir el mismo problema", dijo el vocero del Departamento de Estado, Gordon Duguid.

"Estados Unidos está trabajando con sus socios para tratar y controlar lo que es un problema transfronterizo, un problema internacional", subrayó.

"Estamos trabajando con nuestros socios para tratar de resolver el problema del comercio transfronterizo de narcóticos que es un problema para todos", recalcó.

Duguid manifestó que el subsecretario de Estado, David Johnson, mencionó en un reporte oficial que es necesario "hacer mucho" para resolver ese problema.

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