Saturday, March 21, 2009

Pelosi's comments show a change is coming

Pelosi's comments (below) tell us that something is brewing on immigration.  There hasn't been much open talk about immigration, yet, we don't know what is going on behind the scenes.

If Comprehensive Immigration Reforms comes up, the biggest challenge for the Obama Administration will be to find a way to corral the rabid anti-immigrationists - or at least convince Congress that these people are only screaming empty words.
March 19, 2009
Pelosi stands by immigration raid remarks
Posted: 03:52 PM ET
From CNN's Sarah Parker

(CNN) – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that she was standing by her statement that enforcement of some existing immigration laws is "un-American."

"ICE raids that separate parents from their children in the middle of the night are un-American, and I stand by that," Pelosi said when questioned about her remarks made last week at an immigration rally in San Francisco.

"We have to enforce our laws, we have to control our borders…" the California congresswoman told reporters. "We have to protect our workers, we have to, I believe, have a path to legalization for people who are in our country who are not fully documented. But we don't have to kick in doors in the middle of the night and take fathers out of their homes and think that we are solving the issue when we really need comprehensive immigration reform."

On Saturday, at an immigration rally in San Francisco, Pelosi criticized the practice of work site and housing raids conducted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents. Pelosi praised the predominantly immigrant audience, calling them "very, very patriotic" for "taking responsibility for country's future" by attending the rally on a Saturday night

"Who in this country would not want to change a policy of kicking in doors in the middle of the night and sending a parent away from their families," Pelosi said Saturday. "It must be stopped. What value system is that? I think it's un-American. I think it's un-American."
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