Friday, April 3, 2009

At Least 12 kIlled at Immigration Center in Binghampton, NY

Lone gunman has killed at least 12 people at an immigration services center in Binghampton, NY

April 3, 2009

(CNN) -- A lone gunman began shooting Friday in an immigration services building in Binghamton, New York, killing at least four people, a law enforcement source close to the situation said.  Armed law enforcement officers gather at the scene of Friday's shootings in Binghamton, New York.

The source said more than a dozen were wounded.

Police on the scene told CNN affiliate WBNG that up to 12 people were killed in the shooting. Two people were seen being led from the building in plastic handcuffs, WBNG reported.

The man began shooting in the American Civic Association, which helps immigrants and refugees, the source said.

The source said a citizenship test was being administered in the building, but it was not immediately clear whether the shooting occurred in the area where people were taking the test.

The source said there may be 20 to 40 people who have been taken hostage.

The local newspaper, the Press & Sun-Bulletin, said on its Web site that at least four people were shot and 41 people had been taken hostage. 

It said sharpshooters from the city's SWAT team were poised outside the building

Hostages Taken in Binghamton, N.Y.
New York Times
Published: April 3, 2009

At least four people were shot on Friday morning and an undetermined number of others were being held hostage by a gunman at the American Civic Center in Binghamton, N.Y., according to several news reports.

The condition of the shooting victims, who were taken to a nearby hospital, was not known.

According to police reports, about 40 hostages were being held in the building.

The Binghamton Police Department confirmed the shootings took place, but would not give further details as officers and members of local SWAT teams surrounded the building.

Binghamton High School, only blocks from the scene of the shootings, was locked down, and nearby apartment buildings were being evacuated, according to a local newspaper, the Binghamton Press & Sun Bulletin.

The newspaper quoted the mayor of Binghamton, Matthew Ryan, as saying the gunman has a high-powered rifle.

Cuatro muertos en tiroteo de centro de migrantes cerca de NY
Viernes, 03/04/2009 - 10:42
La policía de la localidad se atrinchera en la balacera. Foto: AP/WBNG-TV

Binghampton, Nueva York.- Trece personas muertas, cuatro heridos y varios rehenes en centro de inmigración en estado de Nueva York, tras un tiroteo.

La policía tiene rodeado el edificio donde un sujeto de características asiáticas tiene en su poder al menos 20 personas en el sótano.

Había por lo menos 41 rehenes en la sede de la American Civic Association (Asociacion Cívica Estadounidense), informó el periódico The Binghamton Press & Sun Bulletin.

De acuerdo a las primeras versiones, el tiroteo fue hecho por una persona de aproximadamente 20 años, quien acudió al centro para presentar un examen para adquirir la nacionalidad estadunidense.

El sujeto mantiene en su poder a los rehenes.

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