Sunday, April 5, 2009

Auto Dealership helps deport its customer

Oscar Urbina came to the U.S. when he was 19, in 1993.  He did all the things Americans are supposed to do.  He worked hard.  He married, had a family, bought a house, and had a steady job that supported him well.  In a time when our auto-makers are struggling to stay alive, Urbina even bought an American made truck. 

Unfortunately, his desire to "buy American" has led him to possible deportation.  As the New York Times explains:
"after buying a Dodge Ram truck at a local dealership, he had been summoned back to deal with some paperwork problems. And shortly after he arrived, so did the police, who arrested him on charges of using a false Social Security number."

The city of Irvine, Texas has their priorities backwards. Two years ago city fathers passed a law that everyone jailed had to go through an immigration check. That is harsh in itself. But the dealership!!!! What were they thinking? American car dealers are on their last breathe - and they jail their customers for buying a car while undocumented? This is really irrational.

There is only one Dodge dealership in Irving - Frank Parra Autoplex. If you are planning to buy a car or have repairs done, a good show of support for Mr. Urbina would be to avoid doing any business with this company -

see "Texas Mayor Caught in Deportation Furor," New York Times, April 5, 2009

1 comment:

  1. We do not arrest illegal aliens in Texas for making a purchase. Oscar Urbina was probably arrested for identity theft. How would you like someone illegally using your credit bureau file to purchase a pickup truck?
