Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Ten things you can do for the DREAM Act

Originally posted on dreamactivist:

1. Pick up the phone and call your Senator or Representative today. Dial 202-224-3121 to be connected to your member of Congress and speak out in favor of the DREAM Act.

Sample message - "Hi, I am calling in support of the DREAM Act (S.729 / H.R. 1751). The DREAM Act lays the groundwork for immigration reform and allows immigrant youth of good moral character to make crucial economic contributions to the United States. To not pass the act at a time when this country needs an economic stimulus and a more educated workforce would be great folly. I urge _________ to become a cosponsor of the DREAM Act."

Please report back on how your call went.

Follow the easy guide here:

2. Congressional Recess is happening in a week. That means from Apr 5th to Apr 19th, your congressional representative (Both House Rep and Senators) will be in town to meet people from their districts and hear issues that concerns them. Call and make appointments today - DO not be scared or nervous. Follow the guidelines here -

3. Get on the mailing list by signing the petition -

7000 people have signed already. Leave a testimony, maybe even your own story, for the DREAM Act for ages to come!

4. EMAIL - has a page to help you email your congressional representatives in support of the DREAM Act.

5. FAX - America's Voice has a page to help you fax your congressional representatives in support of the DREAM Act.

6. SOCIAL NETWORKING - Invite more people to DREAM Act facebook cause now over 15,000 people and follow us on Twitter

7. TEXT - Text "Justice" ("Justicia" for Spanish) to 69866 to be the first to know when the DREAM Act is introduced. FIRM's Mobile Action Network is an excellent way to stay connected and have maximum impact at just the right moment.

8. DONATE - Thank you so much for your donations. We are in need of funding for mass mailing, distribution, covering workshop costs, maintaining and updating the websites. Please keep them up and encourage your friends to contribute as well even if it is a $1 (1.0 unit) -

9. Stay tuned to sites like , and for the latest action and alerts on the DREAM Act. actually has formulated Info for Organizers, including Senate target lists.

10. Don't hesitate to drop us an email at or call us at 18005967498 and leave a message on our voicemail that goes to organizers on the ground. We always want to hear from you!

-This is an ongoing pledge that should be fulfilled as often as possible between Apr 01, 2009 and Apr 30, 2009.

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